I'm having a great week!!

sunday through today, I've been staying in my calorie goals and been very active. It's all about planning meals ahead of time, banning snacking (don't give myself the "option" to eat at any time - my only option is planned meals), and eating foods with lots of protein / veggies / fruits. That is, no high-sugar items. I've also been nice and busy with school, which helps to not be tempted to eat just because I'm bored. Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with friends, and I won't feel guilty because I'll know I've been on track. It hasn't always been easy (yeah...eating yummy food is way easier than any other scenario). I just feel good and wanted to share!!


  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    That's the way to go!!! Once you start loving good healthy foods, you'll not want to eat the unhealthy foods! At restaurants too, you'll balance your meal! Once in a while it's not a bad idea to enjoy something "bad" too...within safe limits...through portion control!! Have fun!!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Well done indeed :-)
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    YES! I'm with you on that one! Best week I've had in ages and it (and I) feels great!

    Treated myself to an Indian last night as I also went out with friends, and despite eating a hideous amount, I weighed myself this morning and only saw a .4lb gain on yesterday (yes, I know some people don't agree with it but I weigh myself every day). So I'm not stressing about it, which is also a great feeling!

    We just got to keep this up now, good luck :)