Feeling frustrated... Two weeks and nothing

Feeling frustrated, two weeks of not losing is very frustrating. This happened this last time I was losing this same weight, I got stuck. I have 10 to 15 pounds to lose. I'm wearing a Bodymedia band which gives me a accurate count of my calories daily. I measure everything I eat on my food scale. I know I'm fairly accurate and always in my mind give room for 100 calories I might be off. I do eat a lot of salt. I have also started doing the Brazil Butt lift program which helps tone and lose weight. But I always do cardio daily, minus a day or two off. I'm just convinced I should be losing something! A pound, anything.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    angiemotto wrote: »
    Feeling frustrated, two weeks of not losing is very frustrating. This happened this last time I was losing this same weight, I got stuck. I have 10 to 15 pounds to lose. I'm wearing a Bodymedia band which gives me a accurate count of my calories daily. I measure everything I eat on my food scale. I know I'm fairly accurate and always in my mind give room for 100 calories I might be off. I do eat a lot of salt. I have also started doing the Brazil Butt lift program which helps tone and lose weight. But I always do cardio daily, minus a day or two off. I'm just convinced I should be losing something! A pound, anything.

    Not so much with the accurate calorie count it's an estimate - try eating back 50 - 75% of the extra calories instead

    Weight loss is not linear and can be easily hidden by water weight fluctuations due to hormones, change-up in exercise, sodium etc

    just keep going and if you've lost nothing in another few weeks re-assess
  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions!
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Don't give up. The crucial part is losing the last 10-15 lbs. It gets harder to lose when you are near your weight goal. As what you've mentioned, you eat a lot of salt. Try minimizing your sodium intake and drink lots of water. You are fine.
  • RobbinRL
    RobbinRL Posts: 76
    Along with what the others have said, things sometimes take time to catch up. Don't be in such a hurry, OK? It'll all catch up and suddenly WHAM a couple pounds gone. And yes reduce that sodium, water weight is what I believe is being carried which in the end shows no results. You CAN DO THIS! Good luck.
  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Thank yall so much, weight loss is so finicky. I'm going to watch my sodium and try to not get so bent outta shape.
  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    Get rid of the body media.

    Calculate your TDEE here: IIFYM.com

    Use the -15% for your weight loss. The site calculates it for you.

    Manually set up MFP at that number. Eat, exercise, and measure results weekly. If you don't lose after 3 weeks, drop 100 calories, and try again. You will lose.

    Those activity tracker are not accurate. There was a study where some guy wore 5 of them for a month. They all showed completely different results. He was just showing how bogus they are.

    My bodymedia is quite accurate (as are many others' here in the MFP community).
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    edited April 2015
    Looking at your diary, I see you're at a goal of 1,200... I had the same about two month's back. I was at 140, and looking to lose 10 - 15 pounds. I had plateaued and I was going MAD! I bumped my calorie intake up to 1,400 and starting adding weightlifting, slowly replacing cardio, and I dropped to 133 pounds in like, 3 weeks. I felt AMAZING. Then I plateaued again, so I ht the forums and did some research. Currently my goal is set at 2,000 (approx 250 surplus) because I like lifting heavy. I pretty much dropped cardio altogether, outside of yard work or recreational biking. Cardio's really not the best weight loss cure. If you like it, that's fine, but it will only make you small. To each their own, but I'd rather be 135 and significantly more muscle than fat, as opposed to 125 and twiggly.

    Best of luck! Try upping your calories a little and maybe add some weightlifting (or even bodyweight exercises) I guarantee you'll see some changes :)
  • dramos1961
    dramos1961 Posts: 81 Member
    Try Ensure powder w/ ice cubes , little water mixed in w/ strawberries. Tastes like a strawberry shake and is 20 gms protein and almost no carbs. Lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks just w/ 2 shakes for breakfast & lunch and then a grill chicken salad for dinner.
    Go low carbs and i will see results.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    The scale is not the best way to track progress. You may be losing body fat. Just cause the scale doesn't move doesn't mean you are stuck. Best way to know is with fat % calc with Calipers. I plan to do this as well. I haven't seen a pound shed in 4 months yet I am in deficit, eating 1900-1950 cal, I do see a lil more abs than before. I will continue to see what happens. I may be spinning my wheels but being consistent with diet, weigh in ur food and work outs is key.
  • You can do it girl:)
    I've been looking at this photo every day before working out and I know it's frustrating but the results will be amazing! I get frustrated too so you're not alone!you got this.hmjkusaojp91.jpg
  • molaufy
    molaufy Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2015
    What a frustrating feeling! One idea would be to reduce sugar intake to 24 g per day (the actual international recommendation) and cut out dairy, which is inflammatory. I lost 12 lbs with those changes alone.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Take your measurements, those are probably the best indicators of progress!
  • dramos1961
    dramos1961 Posts: 81 Member
    Clothes fall off thats a sign!