day one

I got this app from a girl at work an i love it ..i really like the bar code it really helpful BUT Im trying to eat more clean I have cut out drinking :( my birthday is coming so I'll have a few Im excited about my new journey


  • rashaadross87
    This is also day one for me as well, stay motivated. Feel free to add Me and check back with your progress, you can do it #teamfit
  • abb117
    abb117 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey, good luck girls! Today was day 65 for me and keeping track here has really helped me. Feel free to add me for more motivation!
  • Mamaof2getsfine
    Mamaof2getsfine Posts: 10 Member
    This is fay 2 for me too. Lost weight with this app yrs ago for my wedding and now I'm back. If you're consistent it will come off. Time to Workkkkkkk.
  • six62015
    six62015 Posts: 9
    <3 thanks for all the love
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    It really is an awesome app! I am on day 38 and it gets easier the more you do it! I am loving it! Good luck to you!!
  • six62015
    six62015 Posts: 9
    Thanks love and right backat you
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    This right here is what you all need to get started:
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm on day 380 and have lost 30 pounds, been maintaining since September. Good luck you can do this!