I just need to lose 15 pounds...

I need to lose 15 pounds, but I am having the hardest time doing it. I exercise regularly, but my diet is not so great. I don't pig out or anything, but I don't eat the right things. I probably eat too much and don't realize it. That is why I am going to try to sue MyFitnessPal to keep track of the foods I eat. I have a hard time staying motivated.


  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    Way to plug in here. I would recommend tracking food for a week without really changing the way that you have been eating so you can get a clear idea of what you need to change. If you log honestly, in 3-4 days you will see a pattern and can start working on a plan to correct it and reach your goals.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    That's a great idea. I can then see a pattern of the things I'm eating and what I'm doing wrong.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    MFP has been very helpful to me. It keeps me on track and because of it, my portion sizes are controlled and I never overeat anymore. I also rarely miss a workout, because the calories expended mean that I can eat a bit more. I have lost 15 lbs and it has not been too hard, but I am really honest with what I log on MFP. I feel a ton better but now I want to lose another 15 - though that might be a bit unreasonable for my age and "configuration". Good luck!
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    Exactly. You need to establish a base line and the only way to do that is to track your "normal" routine.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks, this is extremely helpful. I need to pay attention more to what I have been doing to see how I can improve it.

  • SarahSmithlmt
    SarahSmithlmt Posts: 2 Member
    It really is amazing how fast your calories can add up. Even now, for me, eating clean and the right protein rich foods, it can easily add up as well. I've realized that I can pack in a lot more food by eating all the veggies & fruits I want with protein rich meats and still stay under my calorie goal. I keep my carbs minimal. Plus the extra protein my body receives help burn more fat and give me the energy I need for my workouts. Carbs tend to me make me feel sluggish and craving the wrong foods.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    I agree. I am tired all the time and I think it is because I consume way too many carbs. Then I'm hungry like an hour later. I need to clean up my diet.
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    Carbs arent always100% the enemy. The type of carb you consume makes a world of difference.
  • iamchuckbass78
    iamchuckbass78 Posts: 34 Member
    I hear ya. I only need to lose 15 as well but it is very hard. I find limiting carbs and snacks helps me keep my calories down. If I eat larger amounts or food containing carbs, I have a hard time sustaining throughout the day. Switching to whole wheat wraps for carbs is lower in calories. I only snack on fruits and vegetables. I take one day off and don't track. I still drink wine, and even though I fit it in my daily calories, I think it slows my progress. I'm still losing, just slowly.
  • Sometimes you just have to try different things to see what foods are the best bang for your calorie budget. I've found that all natural/organic frozen meals are often the tastiest and best bang for the calorie count, but anything that keeps you feeling full and within calories is great.

    Also, are you mixing up your exercise routinely? I've found that my body becomes too adept after 4-6 weeks and have to mix it up routinely to keep challenging myself and burning calories.
  • ellen8584
    ellen8584 Posts: 24 Member
    I do mix up my exercise routine. I feel like my exercise routine is pretty good (I'm goo go start logging it here as well). I'm sure there are better ways to mix it up though. I run on the treadmill and one day I'll aim for speed, another day for distance, and i mix hills into the mix as well. Sometimes I do a Jillian michaels workout on days I don't do treadmill. Since it's nicer out, I can start running outside which works completely different muscles from running on a treadmill.