Short girls- I'm stuck. Help!

Ok fellow short girls, I need some advice/motivation here. I'm a little under 5'2 (24 yrs old). Started at 130 lbs, with my goal being 115. The first 5 lbs came off in a month, so ok good. But I have been stuck at 125 for 3 weeks now, and it's such a let down after having dieted and excersized all week!

How many calories per day are you (short) girls consuming? I'm doing about 1100 net. I know all about the "starvation mode" deal, but I dont think at less than 5'2 Im starving myself with 1100 calories. I have a desk job, and walk on the treadmill 3 nights a week... my excersize routine isn't steller, but being that I despise it, i'm going good with 3 nights a week.

So for those of you who have reached your short girl goal- tell me what you did that worked, or what you did that didnt work. Oh, and motivate me! Because there's a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread with my name on it, and Im weak and might give in.



  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    If you only eat 1100 net on days where you're exercising, then I hate to say it, but you probably are starving yourself.. even at 5'2". Maybe try to experiment with your caloric intake, and eat a bit more on days you workout. I hear a lot about how cycling your calories works like a charm. High one day, low the next, and keep going like that.

    Good luck!
  • Christie81
    Christie81 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'3...motivation needs to come from within and if you drink that wine you're only hurting yourself. Sorry but the truth may hurt. That last 10 pounds is never going to come off unless you kick up the intensity on your workouts and consume more calories. I'm not trying to be mean...just honest :)
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    You need to switch it up! If you're doing just cardio, then add some weights in or do a yoga class. Also, add some whey protien into your diet. After you've had a wonderful sweat session, drink your whey powder- straight away and you'll start losing it.

    Granted, I haven't really reached my goal yet, but I was stuck on a plateau for about 3 months when I added whey protein into my diet. It helped me start losing again. But I also kickbox 5 days a week, and just started having a really clean diet, and doing kettlebells. but it sounds like if you start switching it up, you'll start losing. You probably do need to up your intake by at least 100 calories.

    I'm 5'5 at 179 pounds and I want to get down to at least 140.
    If you need a friend and some motivation, feel free to add me!
  • tkb3abby
    tkb3abby Posts: 14 Member
    I can relate. 5'2", 40-years-old here and started at 141 pounds. Now I'm 135.8 pounds with a goal of 115. I've noticed that some days no matter what I do, the scale just doesn't move...or even worse, it moves up. My exercise routine is about the same as yours (including my attitude about doing it), as well as my caloric intake. Over the long haul though, I think we just need to keep on truckin' and not give up. If it doesn't work and you'd like to share that bread and wine, I get weak on occasion, too! Just kidding. Hang in there!!!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist, but she probably isn't starving herself with walking on those days, if she's not starving herself on 1100 without the exercise. I am short and relatively thin as well. My BMR is at 1199. and if sedentary, I believe my maintenance calories would be at 1438. Walking burns calories, but unless she is walking super far or long, she probably isn't burning a whopping amount of calories. After about 30 minutes of walking @ a 20 minute mile, it says I burn about 100 calories. Maybe a smidge more.

    Perhaps you have plateaued.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I'm like U !

    127 now
    started with 130 25 days ago.
    and my goal is 110.

    and I'm 5'1.5"

    my calories goal is 1200
    I eat most of my burned calories.
    I burn 800 a day in average.

    I like to do crunches and strength excersices more than cardio. But I do cardio a lot.
  • To get an idea of the amount you need to maintain, try to get your BMR, then depending on your activity, multiply by like 1.3 to account for activity before exercise.

    I've seen this equation posted before, and I don't know if someone is going to come debunk me here, but frak it.

    655+(4.3xyour weight)+(4.7xheight in inches)-(4.7xage)

    Then multiply it by 1.3, or search online to find the page that details this further. That should be the calorie amount to maintain, and subtract 500 for the amount of pounds you want to lose. I would think 1 pound, but definitely net at least 1200 a day.

    And this is up to debate still, but eat exercise calories.
  • mmshell
    mmshell Posts: 8
    I too am finding it hard to eat 1100 or 1200 calories a day, I always seem way under. I'm a sort woman also (but older- I'm 43) and most of my adult life weighed 110-117 but I had taken some hormones two years ago which caused an 8 pound gain, I was still a healthy weight so I didn't fuss over the 8 but recently I stopped smoking and gained another 2, all of this 10 pound is all right around my middle so I know it needs to go, it isn't a full all over gain..just the unhealthy middle gain. . I have no idea how many calories to eat to lose this weight. I started exercising 3 weeks ago thinking it would just come off if I got more active but it hasn't budged yet, so i began adding calories to my diet because I thought my body may be going into starvation because I eat so few calories(even though my calories have not changed from what I have been used to my entire adult life), I have always eaten little, and always maintained an ideal weight but since I was exercising more I thought I should add more calories to make up for what I was burning...I'm at a loss -not a weight loss but at a loss for answers of what to do next???? I know it hasn't been months and months but still I don't want to add more calories to my diet only to find that they will cause me to gain more weight and I don't want to do the opposite and starve myself which they say will also cause me to gain more weight..oh- what's a girl to do? Lol
    I am at 126 now and would love to get back down to 112-115...I do 30 minutes cardio- 30 minutes dance 6 days a week- I add an extra yoga or dance twice a week.