cereal killer!

i can pass up chocolate, cakes and sweets without a second thought but my true weakness is now cereal. special k, fruit and fibre, tropical crunchy oats... i cant stop eating the stuff! i know it dosnt sound too bad but all the dried fruit isnt good for sugar and it means i'm going over my calories most days. maybe its because its healthier food i trick myself in to thinking its ok to eat as much as i want.
does anyone else have this problem?


  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I have to stay away from cereal. Even the healthy ones. If I do eat it, I have to measure it to keep me honest, and unfortunately the measured out serving is not enough for me. It just leaves me wanting more! So I just choose not to eat it at all--it is a trigger food for me. :cry:
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    no i dont but i thought your post was funny. lol, cereal killer!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    im terrible with cereal! and today i weighed out my 40g portion and it was like nothing! i ended up having 2 servings which completely bumped up my calories.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    i posted a blog a couple of months ago with this exact title... I have the same issue with frosted mini wheats. I just don't buy them anymore.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I'll binge on pretty much anything--cereal included.
    My only idea is to get rid of the cereal you like and go for the less tasty things... plain oatmeal, Kashi GoLean (regular), Kashi
    Good Friends, etc.
    I've started just keeping jars of wheat bran in my room. If I want cereal, I take 1/2 cup of wheat bran plus 1/2 cup of soymilk, add some cinnamon and apples, and there's my cereal. Tasty enough to eat, but so fibrous I can't have more than two servings.
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    I was the QUEEN of cereal for SO long. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack.....whatever! I haven't been eating it at all since I read an article about all the "healthy" cereals out there. I have a bunch of boxes on top of my fridge that I should just throw away because they are collecting dust. = )
  • BrendaBlis
    BrendaBlis Posts: 165 Member
    I do! There is no way I can have only one serving of cereal. Special K Red Berries, I could eat almost a whole box at one sitting! :embarassed:
  • crozierb
    crozierb Posts: 61 Member
    I totally have had this problem in the past- cereal is SO good and addicting! I try not to have it much at all anymore, but I still have a mini bowl after dinner (and dessert :P) sometimes.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    i'm a cereal addict. i eat it as a snack at work, but i make sure to measure my portions out (for the most part bhaha), but yeah i could eat cereal alllll dayyyy! i had to stop myself from buying it this week, cuz i need to calm down on it. LOL!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I've not yet given in to the "red berry" cereals and that where you pay twice as much because it contains a few dried berries that you pay for the box without any added. I already have frozen berries in the freezer so I add a handful of raspberries (100grams, so ok more than a handful) myself, buying twice as much "plain" Special K for the price.
    But I was bad with the Oatmeal Crisp variety, tons of sugar in them, used to disappear a box a week, now the same box has lasted a month.
  • Tnrbeaner
    Tnrbeaner Posts: 51
    Me too! I had to quit buying it, I lack the discipline to not be able to just sit with the box and munch away.. I suppose it's better that potato chips, which I've never been too much of a fan of as I'm too much of a sweet tooth, but cereal is very dangerous for me! And then it just makes me even hungrier... ugh..
  • jrich6
    jrich6 Posts: 26
    The first time I measured out a REAL serving of cereal, I almost peed my pants laughing. Really? 3/4 of a cup? They better start making bowls smaller because that crap barely covers the bottom.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I'd marry Boo Berry without a second thought. Straight up marry that weird blue ghost with the hat on like it ain't no thang.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Yes. I can eat a box of cereal like it ain't no thang. Not the sugary kids's stuff--too sweet for my tastes anymore--but even your plain old Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran? Oh hell yes. I am in the same boat with the other poster who said that it is a trigger for them. Just one or even two bowls don't fill me up at all unless it's one of those super fiber cereals. So on the rare occasion when I do buy cereal, it either disappears in a week because I'm eating it for a snack every night (I don't bother for breakfast 'cause it doesn't last), or I will make it last for a long time because I just sprinkle it on my Greek yogurt.

    Damn, I want some cereal now.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    I bought my first box of 'uber' healthy cereal 2 weeks ago... I ate it religiously daily just so I could get through it and get a new box that actually tasted decent. It was Kashi. I didn't memorize all of the ingredients, but I'm pretty sure there was a cup of cardboard and a teaspoon of sand.

    I basically stick to a low cal raisin brand. Its good enough to eat, but not good enough to binge on. Its the calories in the milk that kill me.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i have it with fruit and fibre, but i do take out the dried banana purely cause i dont like it, i could eat it all day long, i use my 6yr olds cereal bowl cause its tiny and makes me think im having more, and i limit the amount of times i have it during the week:smile:
  • joliejolie123456
    yeah, if it was filling it would be ok. its just too moreish....right, its settled then. i quit. no more cereal will be allowed in to my house. :smile:
  • Etdubs
    Etdubs Posts: 3
    Totally have the same problem. It's better for me to simply not have it in the house. However, maybe you could try to limit yourself, like have one serving a day (if you're already doing more than that), then 1 serving 3x a week, then 1 serving a week, until you can get it under control.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    I mix the three I like most and keep a container at work.
    Every day 1 1/2 cups (about 315 cals). For some reason, I'm not tempted to go back for more!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I LOVE cereal. I could eat it for dinner 5 nights a week LOL

    I have cut back and now only eat it on the weekends for breakfast, and make sure I measure it out. 1 1/2 cups is all I will do. It is certainly not the huge overflowing bowl that I would really like, but at least it satisfies that urge.