That time of the month! / periods



  • LittleJem01
    LittleJem01 Posts: 51 Member
    OP I feel your pain. My period completely wipes me out for the first three or four days - it's not lethargy, it's complete exhaustion. Aside from that I also turn into the human bin - I want to eat everything I see!

    I'm on 1200 cals normally but during my period I'll allow myself to eat at maintenance or even above if I feel I need to; if I don't, the tiredness gets worse, not to mention the moods. I accept that it'll have an effect on the speed of my weight loss, but I'm happy with that; I'd rather lose at a slightly slower rate than be utterly miserable four days out of every month!

    We're all different, at the end of the day. Listen to what your own body's telling you, consider what impact (if any) you're willing to accept on your weight loss and go from there
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    my menstrual is about to start and im a ravenous beast but im drinking water and reminding myself easter is next weekend and i can have candy then as planned

    i still exercise even though it makes my cramps worse ...basically you have to put up with it

    you could always eat at maintenance for that week too that would help
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Brianb603 wrote: »
    Well I've never had a period for obvious reasons but I would say try to be extremely conscious while you're on it. In other words when you unconsciously reach for that cookie for the comfort, flip a switch in your mind that tells you what your goals are and how badly you want it. I bet it's tough going through all that...stuff... But don't let it stop you from the life you want! So so many other women have done the same :)


    I'm just kidding by the way, lol. I just thought of this scene when I saw a guy chime in here. At least it was a nice answer he gave. :)

  • KatieMusselwhite92113
    I'd recommend red raspberry leaf tea or supplements (red raspberry leaf, not the ketones), they make a huge difference in pain level and PMS symptoms. I have especially bad periods for a diagnosed but non-repairable condition, so I have to find a way around using it as my excuse. Using a stationary bike isn't so bad while you're feeling crappy since you get to sit down lol! And yes, the exercise-induced endorphins will help you feel better, even if it's hard to think about getting up.
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, mine can get pretty bad too. I'm on a 1000 calorie deficit, so sometimes I allow myself a couple hundred more calories if I feel I need it. Or eat at maintenance for a day when it first starts, as that's always the roughest day for me when it's particularly heavy.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    OP I am the SAME way. Some months are worse than others. I actually made a post on this subject last month when I was really struggling. During the months it's really bad, I sometimes put myself in maintenance mode and allow myself more calories. And I eat what I'm craving and fit it in if I can. I don't skirt around my cravings and try alternatives that aren't as good, I just eat what I'm craving. I've found it's best to go that route as I will eat less if I just satisfy those cravings rather than searching for other foods that are not so great substitutes. I get insanely hungry. It's hard to describe it to those that don't experience it, but it's an actual physical hunger and it's constant. My stomach growls, I get light headed...just hungry to the point of complete distraction and nothing takes it away completely. I just muddle through the best I can as that's about all we can do. Good luck to you. I know it sucks, but as long as you're staying on track most of the time, you will continue to lose. I've lost over 80 pounds while still struggling with this every month.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    beccam83 wrote: »
    Hey ladies/people with periods!

    When I'm on I just snack, snack, snack. Combine that with being curled up with a hot water bottle watching Disney films and there's not much in the way of exercising! So my weight loss always stalls or I even gain weight that week.

    Any tips for surviving the dieting disaster that is your period??

    Maybe try some supplements?
    Try a warm epsom salt bath.

    I continue trying to stay close to my calorie goal. I generally have just 1 extra hungry day but that doesn't mean I need to eat over my maintenance level or choose empty calories.
    I exercise a bit every day.
    Sleep. Take my vitamins. Eat mostly nutritious foods. Drink water. Eat small amounts of dark chocolate-not a giant bag or a gallon of ice cream. Watch my sodium. Take a pain reliever if necessary.
    I have had my period this week and today I am down 1.5 pounds. It doesn't have to be a dieting disaster.
    P0PTART Posts: 50 Member
    JNV7594 just stated how I feel! I can't describe the hunger. I do as JNV7594 said & just eat a LITTLE of what I crave & chalk the calories up as 'crap that happens'. If I stress over it, my blood pressure goes up & I feel like crap even more.
    Also during that time, I base my calories off my weekly allowance & not daily. You'd be amazed at how little you actually go over.
    I have actually found that light, LIGHT, yoga helps more than anything with the cramps. I don't know why and I don't care, it just helps more than the Rx the docs give me. I also do an easy head to toe stretch every night to help me sleep through the night.
  • SoUl_ReBeL2021
    SoUl_ReBeL2021 Posts: 120 Member
    I crave any kind of food that I can get my hands on a couple days before my so-called Period. If that's what you want to call it I haven't had an actual Period In five years and I still tend to get symptoms every month? And yes I've been checked for menopause and no they said I don't have it yet so no clue what's going on there.I understand how you feel.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited March 2015
    Until she went on the pill, my sister used to get really really bad cramps and basically "couldn't function" at all. Although, I think everybody's pain tolerance is difference, and I obviously have no idea what kind of pain she was actually experiencing. I don't think "something is wrong with you" if its so bad that it keeps you from doing normal things. I get pretty bad cramps, but luckily Midol helps me. Without it, I am stuck on the couch not moving, because it hurts pretty bad. Luckily, I only get that for one day so I just skip exercising that day. I do get cravings too, for chocolate, and I try to allow myself a little bit throughout the week. I find that if I tell myself I can't eat something, I'm going to want more of it, and its going to be that much more difficult to control the craving. But if you can't stop at 1 cookie, then that's more about self control and less about having your period/cravings.

    Oh, and P.S. - I could diet and exercise until I'm blue in the face during the week I have my period. But I have NEVER lost any weight that week. In fact 99% of the time I'm up at least a pound on the scale that week, sometimes 2 pounds. and it usually takes at least another 2 weeks for that to come off. Guessing its water retention.
  • Wreathy
    Wreathy Posts: 61 Member
    beccam83 wrote: »
    Hey ladies/people with periods!

    When I'm on I just snack, snack, snack. Combine that with being curled up with a hot water bottle watching Disney films and there's not much in the way of exercising! So my weight loss always stalls or I even gain weight that week.

    Any tips for surviving the dieting disaster that is your period??


    I have bad periods myself. I've been doing mfp for only 2 months, and thus had 2 periods. My circumstances are slightly influenced by a medical condition - mainly in abeyance now, but can be exacerbated by my period. I'm very kind to myself over this period - I retain a lot of water and my weight leaps up. I stop weighing myself, and eat to my deficit. I make sure to do as much walking as I can but if I need to lie about with a hot water bottle I will. I'll also allow myself an extra treat - small bar of chocolate etc - on my first two days as they're my worst and I genuinely crave chocolate. If I go slightly over I won't beat myself up, but I haven't yet. I try to drink a lot, though that's one of the things I have to work on as I forget to drink enough sometimes. I find electrolytes can help during my period, and chamomile tea (but I find it disgusting so I don't have it usually).

  • beccam83
    beccam83 Posts: 51 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    Oh, and P.S. - I could diet and exercise until I'm blue in the face during the week I have my period. But I have NEVER lost any weight that week. In fact 99% of the time I'm up at least a pound on the scale that week, sometimes 2 pounds. and it usually takes at least another 2 weeks for that to come off. Guessing its water retention.

    That P.S... where is the lie though!! So true, I just avoid the scales because it'll demotivate me and probably start a downwards spiral
    OP I feel your pain. My period completely wipes me out for the first three or four days - it's not lethargy, it's complete exhaustion. Aside from that I also turn into the human bin - I want to eat everything I see!
    We're all different, at the end of the day. Listen to what your own body's telling you, consider what impact (if any) you're willing to accept on your weight loss and go from there

    Ahh I'm so glad you understand (you're from Liverpool? do the English get it worse or something?? haha)! Thanks for the kind words x

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    edited April 2015
    Im on my first day today - sucks royally!

    I continue to exercise - except for the first 2 days (that would be a leaky mess...I have ridiculously heavy periods).

    I try to avoid snacking, but if I cant shake the urge. I stick to raw veggies. I cant do too much damage that way.

    I usually see a gain of 2lbs the week before my period, a loss on the first day of my period, then another gain of 1-2lbs during the rest of my period. The day after my period ends, I am usually down a lb though. definitely water weight, and definitely frustrating!
  • dragonmaster69
    dragonmaster69 Posts: 131 Member
    I tend to over eat when I'm on my period but I grit through the pain and still work out. I have a headache 3/5 of the time anyway so I've developed a pretty suitable pain tolerance. You just got to do it, whatever you chose to do, and move on.
  • beccam83
    beccam83 Posts: 51 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I usually see a gain of 2lbs the week before my period, a loss on the first day of my period, then another gain of 1-2lbs during the rest of my period. The day after my period ends, I am usually down a lb though. definitely water weight, and definitely frustrating!

    Sounds like you have a lot of experience with it! You got willpower girl B)