Breads and pasta

So this is my very first post, just signed up for this program last night, and I'm learning a lot so far. The only difficult thing for me is going to be finding the right bread and pasta. I just learned that eating whole grain stuff is not helping me due to the added sugar. You're suppose to buy breads that have sprouted grains, rice, or spelt. So what brand of bread/pasta have these ingredients?? I don't have many options for grocery stores in my area. I have the commissary and walmart. Thank you!!


  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    I keep hearing about Ezekiel brand bread which is supposed to be good. If you are worried about added sugar and can't find a good brand try making your own bread. It's not hard and it's healthier.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Ezekial, Rudi's Organics, Vitaspelt --- available in the freezer case at most stores that have an organic section OR a nutritional / organic foods store.
  • nataliasander
    The most nutritious bread may be made from only whole wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt, with possibly a touch of molasses and honey, or the addition of other "whole" grains. The key-word on the bread label is "whole." Be particularly careful of the most recent little white label lie called "wheat flour," which does not mean the same as whole wheat. Wheat flour, which gives bread a light brown color and therefore more health appeal, is 75 percent white flour and only 25 percent whole wheat. So it's only 25 percent healthy bread instead of 100 percent.

    Best breads are 100 percent whole wheat. Whole wheat flour is the first ingredient on the label. Enriched flour does not appear in the ingredient list. If it doesn't say "whole wheat," it's not. Wheat flour, as listed on labels, officially should mean 75 percent white and 25 percent whole wheat, but it may not. All white bread is "wheat flour," so this term is misleading, at best. A truthful label would state what percentage is whole wheat. If a label says "wheat flour," assume it's not whole wheat.

    But just curious - do you really NEED to eat the bread? Try slowly taking it out of your diet and you will realize that you won't miss it. I have been "bread-free" and it makes a huge difference if you are trying to lose weight. If you are out at a restaurant and you order a sandwhich/burger....and they give you the bread. Just eat the meat. The bread is the cheap part. If you slowly cut out the carb's (breads, pasta, etc) that alone will help you drop the weight.
  • Jennelle22
    Jennelle22 Posts: 3
    Great post, because i LOVE bread & pasta... Its hard not eating it but its for the best right now...
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Wheat bread has no HFCS and is very high in fiber. It does have 100 cals per slice, but the slices are really big and the bread is delicious. It is all I buy.
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    I have found a company called Alvarado Street Baking company and they make really tasty sprouted breads. They have a flax seed one that is sold at trader joes and its only 50 cal a slice, they are small slices, but allows you to build a big sandwich in between with loads of veggies. They also make awesome sprouted hamburger and hot dog buns which I found at whole foods and my local health food store. 140 calories each, with excellent nutrition. Enjoy!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    So far for my breads (love it, have way too much of it sometimes) I've traded out for tortilla's or wraps, I still get the "bread" container for the sandwich or egg or whatever but not as big of a carb hit.
    Pasta I get the whole-wheat options and am going to try making some of my own here soon, since I have eggs available and some flour to get used up.
  • precious71701
    precious71701 Posts: 105
    I eat earthgrains 35 calorie bread...get it at walmart...has 1 gram fat...about 8 carbs and 100 gram sodium....good luck finding the right one for you...
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    I still eat bread and pasta. I eat 80% whole wheat bread and white pasta (no one in my home would eat whole wheat pasta.) I just make sure I don't have more then 2 slices of bread in a day and I watch my portions when I eat pasta.
  • amdeblaey
    amdeblaey Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone!! I could probably cut out the bread no problem-it's the pasta. A lot of my meals consist of pasta and chicken. I'm working on branching out.

    sorry one more question-so for the pasta part-I have the barilla plus angel hair-ingredients are as follow-Semolina, grain and legume flour blend(graind and legumes lentiles chickpeas, flaxseed, barley, spelt, oats) Egg whites, oat, durum flour, niacin iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavion, folic acid. No enriched flour, which I assume is good. But not sure about everything else.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    Not everyone is up for it, but you can make your own pasta. If you make it yourself, you can make it much thinner than what comes packaged and you can make it w/out eggs which will reduce calories. I have a really fancy hand cranked pasta machine that I got for christmas last year, so that obviously makes it easier, but you can do the same w/ a bit more elbow grease and a rolling pin. I made lasagna last week like this and the carb calories were only about 50 per serving... which is about half of 1 slice of bread.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Why are you trying to cut the sugar in your breads and pastas? If it is for diabetes, then try the suggested breads above. If it is just for weight loss, don't stress it. Whole wheat pasta and bread are fine, even with a little extra sugar. The carbs are actually good for helping fuel your exercise so that you can get through the gycolysis process to get into fat burning.
  • amdeblaey
    amdeblaey Posts: 4
    Why are you trying to cut the sugar in your breads and pastas? If it is for diabetes, then try the suggested breads above. If it is just for weight loss, don't stress it. Whole wheat pasta and bread are fine, even with a little extra sugar. The carbs are actually good for helping fuel your exercise so that you can get through the gycolysis process to get into fat burning.

    It's not that I'm trying to cut sugar out-just limit it. I just want to know main ingredients I need to stay away from. Just trying to be more conscious about what I'm buying.

    I think I might just start making my own bread. I have a bread maker, and use it all the time, but I do still buy bread. I think I'll just eliminate buy bread all together.

    Thanks everyone for your feed back. It's been very helpful.
  • Raylynn87
    Raylynn87 Posts: 12 Member
    I do the same thing when eating pasta. I try to get my family to buy whole wheat pasta (and honestly, to me, it tastes like white pasta), but the rest of my family doesn't like it so they won't buy it. I measure everything out and won't have more than one serving at a meal.

    Also, I don't really eat bread much anymore. I buy weight watchers whole wheat rolls for veggie chicken sandwiches or arnold's thins for veggie burgers. That's about it. I used to eat white sliced bread every single day (terrible, i know); I just don't really have the desire to eat slice bread anymore...