Tracking "walking"

mathiar86 Posts: 26 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm new to this and just switched from the Lose it! app to this one on my iphone. I'm wondering if you guys count walking in yoru daily caloric burning.

I go to the gym and everything but I also walk from my house to the bus stop every day which is about a 10-12 minute walk if I walk briskly. Do you think I should include these as "exercise" for calories burned? If I time myself and put in the time, 10 minutes, the app says I burned about 40 calories. Seems like cheating to me but then again it could also be a more accurate way of keeping track?



  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Some do with no issues.

    I don't - I figure that is just daily movement. I don't count my (almost) daily walk at lunch either since I'm not going fast enough for it to count, IMO.

    So, it's up to you is the answer I'll give :)
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    My co-workers and I walk everyday up a pretty steep hill and it takes 20 min. I decided not to count it, because we do it more to get out of the office than for exercise. Plus, it's just a few extra calories I've burned.
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    My co-workers and I walk everyday up a pretty steep hill and it takes 20 min. I decided not to count it, because we do it more to get out of the office than for exercise. Plus, it's just a few extra calories I've burned.
  • MrsBrit2007
    MrsBrit2007 Posts: 161
    My rule of thumbs is this: If it gets my heart rate up I track it. Also, I go by how my body feels - if I walk leisurely for 30 minutes and my calves feel like they've been worked, I track it. (Even if it doesn't get my heart rate up.)

    Hope that helps!
  • InsaneLuchador
    InsaneLuchador Posts: 3 Member
    Well first off welcome aboard. I'm new to this site as well. IMO, you may look at it as "cheating", but if that walking is exercise and if it's over and above your normal everyday daily activities, then I think I would add it to your exercise minutes
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Depends on how you set up the activity level on your profile. If you included that as part of your activity level then I would not count it again. If not, then count it.
  • LilianaGarciia
    LilianaGarciia Posts: 146 Member
    id track it if you were walking briskly!
  • it depends on your personal profile that you entered in when you initiated your MFP. if you put "sedentary" then i'd record your walking each day. if u put in "somewhat active" or whatever, then your walking would already be taken into account and you shouldn't add it each day.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    If you listed yourself on this site as sedentary, then go ahead and count it. If you own a heart rate monitor, test it out and see if 40 calories is accurate for you. There are some days I would kill for an extra 80 calories at the end of the day. :)
  • anwendy
    anwendy Posts: 17
    I track any walking that is outside my normal activity. I work in an office and sit most of the day, so I put my level as "sedentary." But, I am a part time photographer, so on the evenings or weekends I have shoots, I include all the walking I do outside during the shoot. I also include long periods of shopping as slow walking too.
  • mathiar86
    mathiar86 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go with the "feeling" approach. Sometimes the walk doesn't feel too bad (if I don't have anything in my bag). But sometimes, especially when it's warm outside and I have my laptop in my bag, the walk gets my calves and feet hurting so by the end of it I'm sweating a bit as well. I walk pretty briskly to begin with.

    Thanks for the input.
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