70 pounds to lose? Anyone in it for the long haul

My dad is over 400 pounds. My step mom is heavier than that. My mother is about 220 pounds. I am sitting not-so-pretty at 190. I would like to lose 70 pounds, and put myself back where I was before I started having children.

I am a mother to 5 beautiful children, the youngest being 7 months old. I am looking for a friend, someone who isnt too busy to shoot me an email every couple days (obviously I would do the same), it doesnt have to be anything long, just a paragraph ya know? Someone I can reach out to when I want to binge on pasta.

I have PTSD, anxiety and MDD and I emotionally eat, and I am working on that, so I need to have someone who can remind me when I am down that pasta wont fix my problems.

I have a fitbit so I am down to challenge each other. I am basically looking for someone to lean on, and I will be the same for you!



  • coyhaven
    coyhaven Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Mindi its Mindy lol I have 96 pounds left to lose...I have already lost 65 so you can do this!
  • bonniefireandice
    bonniefireandice Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Mindi, I've just started my fitness pal and I have 100 pounds to lose. Sorry I don't have a picture posted yet, but I'm working on it. Maybe we can lean on each other. My email address is clemon50@verizon.net. I know we can be successful.
  • kickingpounds
    kickingpounds Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you ladies. @bonniefireandice I will send you an email this evening after work!
  • Hi! I've got 79 pounds to lose!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I've got over 100 pounds to lose to hit my ultimate goal. But am eyeballing 75 to start with.
    I've lost close to 100 pounds before and got stupid and gained it all back. I'm working toward losing it for good and keeping it off
  • MrsF614
    MrsF614 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm down 143, I have about 11 more to go til I am at my goal. So I've been in it for the long haul for a while. I have serious depression issues, I very much eat my feelings, and have just kept pressing on and moving forward. I've been working at my weight loss for about 2 years now. push push push! YOU CAN DO THIS. If you fall off track (and you will, it happens!!) don't give up, just realign your thinking and keep going. Best of luck to you!!
  • lzepeda89
    lzepeda89 Posts: 33 Member
    I have 115 pounds left to lose. I wouldn't mind being friends on MFP and FitBit! www.fitbit.com/user/2SH6V4
  • onevahog
    onevahog Posts: 1
    I need help! I want to lose at least 50 pounds!
  • avrobin03
    avrobin03 Posts: 135 Member
    I would love to be your friend.. I'm a new fitbit user, and only have like 2 friends on there. I'm trying to figure all that out. I have 100 pounds to lose. I need all the friends I can get! (:
  • I'm new here, too. I'd love to help with encouragement in any way I can. My goal is to lose 50lbs!
  • melb9999
    melb9999 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! I have 70 lbs to lose! I am looking for as much encouragement as we can give each other! :smile:
  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    100+ to loose. Add me :)
  • katiequan
    katiequan Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I have 80 pounds to lose! I have a sneaky suspicion that I have PCOS and will be going to the drs tomorrow for some testing. I could use all the support I can get! After a month of straight hard effort and clean eating, I gained 4 pounds. I could use all the support and friends I could get!! My email is katiesfitclub@gmail.com would love to connect with all of you!
  • lilsandyu
    lilsandyu Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I have 70 pounds to lose also and started jenny craig yesterday along with a fitness program..the same day my fiance took the last of his stuff out of our apartment.
    I decided I can cry or get myself back to looking and feeling good about myself! Could use the support of a few friends to help me keep my eye on the prize.
    Feel free to email me at lilsandyu@aol.com, and hopefully I can help encourage someone too
  • kickingpounds
    kickingpounds Posts: 42 Member
    I've been at this a month and lost a total of 8 pounds! How amazing! I am going to add you all.
  • reeserox
    reeserox Posts: 55 Member
    HEY HEY!!! 37lbs down....78lbs to go. I have PCOS but with exercise it is starting to get better. You can all add me. I've been looking for some friends that can hold me accountable and I can do the same. and my email is reesierox@gmail.com

    LETS DO THIS!!!!
  • Lindacastellano58
    Lindacastellano58 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been on my journey for 2 years. I lost 95 lbs then got depressed going through menopause gained back 20 still fight to get the 20 off plus 30 more!