What to do when you hate ALL FRUITS!

Hi all! Im new to MFP. Gotta do something to lose the extra pounds. Every diet says lots of fruit and veggies. But what can I do when I do not like any type of fruit! not even fruit juice? I love veggies though. Im stuck at this point! any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, and good luck to everyone on their goals!


  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    You really don't like *any* fruit? Have you tried them all? :-)

    There are just so many different kinds of flavors and textures, that I find it hard to believe there isn't at least one kind out there for someone to like.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Eat more veggies! haha
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hi all! Im new to MFP. Gotta do something to lose the extra pounds. Every diet says lots of fruit and veggies. But what can I do when I do not like any type of fruit! not even fruit juice? I love veggies though. Im stuck at this point! any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, and good luck to everyone on their goals!

    I'm not wild about fruit either. I do buy frozen berries and use them in my smoothies though!

    There's nothing wrong with eating a lot more veggies than fruits, either.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Stick to veggies? I don't like fruit OR veg, I just make myself eat them. There are some I dislike less than others though so usually choose those ones.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Um, eat more veggies?? Fruit is not a requirement for weight loss or life. Just make sure you are getting the vitamins you need from other sources.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Skip the fruit and take a multivitamin. I'm the opposite of you.. I love all fruit but hate veggies. So I eat my fruit and take a multivitamin to make up for what I'm missing...
  • Keelyb63
    Keelyb63 Posts: 10
    Do you like tomatoes?

    If so there ya go they're a fruit.

    What is it that makes you hate fruit?

    You can get the same nutrients from varied veggies, just make sure you eat dark green, and a good mix of brightly coloured stuff and you should have a good balance.
  • mel4395
    mel4395 Posts: 18
    Thanks all, and nope, NO FRUIT AT ALL, I tried to choke down and apple, and literally couldnt do it. my husband and daughter love fruit though. I cant have tomatoes, im allergic to them. I try to stay away from starchy veggies. Its the taste and texture of fruit that I dont like, I loved it as a kid, but as I got older I cant stomache it. WIERD!
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    don't eat them.
    try berries?
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    For those who say they don't like fruit and veg, i would recommend experimenting with the less common ones. Go to your Asian or international markets and experiment. Google recipes and play around with it. While you are doing that take a multivitamin. I can't imagine not like ANY fruit or ANY veg, but I see it often enough. The closest I get is that i can eat carrots raw, but no cooked in any fashion. You have to find a way to get those nutrients somehow, but food should be an enjoyable experience.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Goggle Primal diet
  • armywife121110
    It's not bad to NOT eat fruit. Besides fruit has ALOT of sugar in it. On the SBD I cut out fruit for two weeks and really saw a difference!!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Vegetables....vegetables...vegetables.... They're filling, low in calories, have less sugar than fruits (mostly: peas are still really sweet), and are nutrient rich.

    Don't torture yourself.

    You could hide fruit if you feel you need to eat fruit: use applesauce to replace oil in baking. Pureed prunes to replace egg in brownies, etc.....
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Wow. I can't imagine being in this dilemma because I LOVE fruit. As a lot of the others said you can probably get the majority of the nutrients you need by upping your veggies to compensate for not eating fruit. I, however, believe variety is important in being able to sustain a change to a healthy lifestyle - if you eat the same stuff, you get bored, then fall off the wagon and go back to eating crap - so I wonder if there is a way you could incorporate SOME fruit in? One of my favourite 'healthy' discoveries is raspberries (1 cup) with yoghurt poured over them (about 100ml). It makes a yummy, healthy alternative for dessert and the yoghurt might help disguise the fruit flavour. I also eat a fair bit of dried fruit (some types are REALLY high in fibre), it is just important to adjust portion sizes because they are far more calories dense than fruits in their original form. If you hate fruit on it's own try mixing it into meals with other ingredients until you build up a taste for it eg. orange chicken, a salad with mango, peace or nectarine in it (along with greens, feta, pepper, carrot, etc...), pop some berries onto your cereal or oatmeal.

    The other thing to consider if it goes beyond you just hating fruit to it being something that makes you physically sick is that you might be fructose intolerant. My mum suffers from this condition and it essentially means her body can't break down the sugars in fruits and they end up fermenting in her gut which causes all sorts of problems with the absorption of other nutrients. It is a serious condition so if fruit is actually making you sick ask for this to be ruled out - my mum suffered for years before getting a diagnosis. She is now under the care of a specialist and a dietician/nutritionist who help her to meet her nutritional needs.
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not much of a fruit eater either, it has to be crunchy and perfect or I don't eat it (ex. love a good watermelon, but the grainy ones are horrible, can eat a hard nectarine but hate the squishy ones) I nibble on veggies all day though, in all different colors so I'm getting my vitmains that way.

    One thing I do have regularly is a breakfast smoothie made with orange or pineapple juice, half a banana, 1 c of frozen strawberries, a scoop of protein powder and a scoop of frozen vanilla yogurt. It's often the only fruit I get in a week, and it's quick and tasty. This makes good popsicles too. Maybe try getting your fruit frozen? Then texture isn't an issue.