APRIL 2015 - MOVE Challenge



  • I'm in!
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    In it for 100 walking miles. I'm not sure how many I usually get in a month so I'll start with that lol. :)


  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    I'll jump in, but my treadmill won't be completely assembled before Friday or Saturday. I will be a total couch to ANY miles, so I don't know if I'll get to 100 but I'll do my best! I'm also doing the 30 day walking challenge on the blog.
  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    question: how do you get the ticker factory tickers to show in your signature?
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    edited April 2015
    question: how do you get the ticker factory tickers to show in your signature?

    Just copy and paste the bbcode on here after you make it. You will have to do it every time
  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    Ohhh ok... I used MFP a few years ago and you could add them right to your signature :)
  • jeanniewes wrote: »
    YEP it is a move challenge. You can walk, run, jog, bike, Fly if you dare lol....
    It is SPRING....temps are getting better for most....a time of freshenss and re-birth...A time too take care of WONDERFUL YOU.... (*)

    We had such a great group in March. I am proud too be part of your group. Would love everyone too reach at least 100 miles in at least ONE particular exercise BUT it is not necessary. You can still combine them....THE GOAL IS TOO MOVE! The GOAL is too live a longer, healthier life.....The GOAL is too become the person you want too be...

    join me?

    IF I could quit finding typing errors I would not have too Edit....finger exercise? lol
    Did this work for u
  • lhart1104
    lhart1104 Posts: 14 Member
    I got in 5.5 miles walking today!! Only 94.5 more to go! :-)
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    edited April 2015
    Oh I see. Since myfitnesspal updated a few months ago there hasn't been the ability to use a signature.
  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Walk 2 mile on treadmill
    3 mile on elliptical
  • April 1st 2miles on elliptical 2nd 1.2 miles on elliptical. Total 3.2
  • April 1st 2miles on elliptical 2nd 1.2 miles on elliptical. Total 3.2 on my way to 50!

  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    2-April: another 6.4K run
    Total miles April: 14.1 ... run Bun run

  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm in.


  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    YEP it is a move challenge. You can walk, run, jog, bike, Fly if you dare lol....
    It is SPRING....temps are getting better for most....a time of freshenss and re-birth...A time too take care of WONDERFUL YOU.... (*)

    We had such a great group in March. I am proud too be part of your group. Would love everyone too reach at least 100 miles in at least ONE particular exercise BUT it is not necessary. You can still combine them....THE GOAL IS TOO MOVE! The GOAL is too live a longer, healthier life.....The GOAL is too become the person you want too be...

    join me?

    IF I could quit finding typing errors I would not have too Edit....finger exercise? lol
    Did this work for u

    heatherweigold....I AM CONFUSED. Call me OLD. I must be having a senior moment. I am unclear as too what you are asking but I will try too answer...

    My starting Weight was 216. I started walking in 2009. It took me THREE YEARS too lose 25 pounds only too find I was Insulin Resistant. Dr placed me on meds for this. Since then I did lose more weight but it has still been slow. I lose a bit, gain a bit. End result I had lost 50 pounds. During this time I learned too walk from 1/4 of a mile up a long steep hill (I live on a mountain) and since I have learned too walk anywhere from 3-5 miles daily. some days I do more as time permits. When we go camping I have done as many as 11 miles in one day.

    I was within 16 pounds of my goal weight when During Dec 2014 and Jan 2015 I GAINED 10 POUNDS. This was due too a severe neck/shoulder injury. I was literally 'down' for 2 months. I could only be up a short while. I struggled too even walk within my house. I was having too sit back down every 15 minutes or so the pain was so severe. FINALLY after a truck load of Muscle relaxers (ok maybe not that many..lol) I got my life back. I still have a bit of neck discomfort IF I over do but I am way past where I was. IF you could have seen me in 2009 and see me today ...I am told I dont even look like the same person. SOME people I use too work with in 2007 and I run into them today do not even know who I am.....SO YES I FEEL AND LOOK LIKE A NEW PERSON AND I AM A BETTER ME... YES SHOUTING at this part because I am so happy and so Blessed that even thru all I've gone thru too get here GOD HAS HELPED ME ACCOMPLISH...On my on I would have given up....It is quite frustrating too work hard and take months too lose even a couple of pounds....I DO NOT GIVE UP....

    Sooooooo IF I did not answer your question then ask me again? I did try... :)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Annnnd we're off!!!!


  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member


  • klsana00
    klsana00 Posts: 21 Member
    Well Got sidelined by dental surgery. Logged a little today after bodypump so I am off and running!

  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    So, can still only do sit down cardio. Thankfully my gym has a sitting elliptical

    4/2 - 7.90 miles (Elliptical)
    Total = 7.90
  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    Sorry made a mistake earlier

  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    4-2-15 = Biked 10 miles

    April total = 10 miles
  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Nice day for walking... Hope it last...
    Walk 3.8 mile

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    I am proud of you jahmanry for giving it your best! * :)

    Walk with the girls..........1.5 Miles....
    Slower evening walk........2.0 Miles....

    APRIL 2nd........................8.25 walking miles......
  • sambdavs
    sambdavs Posts: 1
    Im in but how long 100 miles are?
  • 87kelly
    87kelly Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in started Walking again yesterday
  • 4plucky
    4plucky Posts: 1
    I'm in, like a few of you I am new to this but I'm also very excited!!!
  • omhill71295
    omhill71295 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm in!!!
    2 miles down
  • lhart1104
    lhart1104 Posts: 14 Member
    5.5 miles yesterday and 3.5 today, only 91 more.to go!!
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    3-April: 10K run (black spots all over my eyes ... "age =! intelligence" :s )
    Total miles for April: 20 miles = 1/10 of the total distance ... are we there yet??
