Apartment Exercise. Suggestions?



  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Similar challenges as you- people underneath me and kids. I will go to the YMCA normally, but otherwise- fitness videos at home with options for lower impact, stroller walks (lots of hills around me so this is a major workout!) and when I take the kids to the playground- I do a playground workout! Chase kids around, and then body weight exercises like pushups, chin ups, lunges, squats etc. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/04/12/playground-workout/
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Lots of good ideas already. I don't think anyone has mentioned talking to the folks downstairs, though. Do you know them? I would ask if there's a good time to do some of the more vigorous, jumping-style workouts. If you're home while they're at work, you could do your workout without bothering them.

    Besides, it's nice to know your neighbors. One year when I was living in an apartment in Chicago, my downstairs neighbor and I would occasionally chat on the back porch. A few months after we met, he offered me a haunch of venison that he had gotten on a hunting trip to Tennessee. I was a student at the time so I was really grateful, and had venison stew for a couple weeks.
  • officemonique
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    Lots of good ideas already. I don't think anyone has mentioned talking to the folks downstairs, though. Do you know them? I would ask if there's a good time to do some of the more vigorous, jumping-style workouts. If you're home while they're at work, you could do your workout without bothering them.

    Besides, it's nice to know your neighbors. One year when I was living in an apartment in Chicago, my downstairs neighbor and I would occasionally chat on the back porch. A few months after we met, he offered me a haunch of venison that he had gotten on a hunting trip to Tennessee. I was a student at the time so I was really grateful, and had venison stew for a couple weeks.

    Great idea. When we first moved in we went and introduced ourselves and let them know that we had an active toddler. And if at anytime were to loud to let us know. So maybe i will go talk to her
  • morselw
    morselw Posts: 11 Member
    I like the Leslie Sansone videos. My kids did it with me today.
  • tgoetschius
    tgoetschius Posts: 26 Member
    Blogilates on YouTube! I live on the top floor of my dorm and it's quiet and still gets me an awesome workout! They even have calendars that you can follow! Try the beginner calendar and see how you like it.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Skip rope! I know it can be loud-ish, but I think it’s perfectly acceptable if you don’t do it very early in the morning or very late at night. It’s one of my favourite forms of indoor exercise.

    I also like power yoga for a slightly less intense workout, or tae bo to break a sweat. Check out Billy Blanks for tae bo and Bryan Kest for power yoga, both available on youtube.
  • Crystalnp1981
    Crystalnp1981 Posts: 6 Member
    I recommend the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. Also, I use one of the inflatable exercise balls. With it I can do crunches, pushups, squats, leg exercises and a lot more. You can find lots of instructios online for exercises to do with the ball.
  • hnm921
    hnm921 Posts: 49 Member
    Another rec for the Leslie Sansone walking. There are a ton on youtube if you don't have the DVDs. My toddler loves to do it with me also! I also enjoy kettlebell.