Busy Mom's 10,000 Steps a Day Challenge!



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I did my first (and last I should think!) 40,000 steps woooot!! go me lol
  • lisyg3737 wrote: »
    I'm in I have a crazy schedule. I'm a mom of 2 a wife and I'm currently in nursing school. I would like to join in on this challenge. I just started the jillian michaels 30 day shred yesterday and joined mfp. I'm ready to change this lifestyle of mine. Any motivation will help.

    Keep it up!!!!
    I'm a mom of 6, self employed so if I don't work no money comes in. I'm in the gym 5 days a week. I call it my sanity break, if you don't care for yourself you can't care for others.

    Good Luck!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    13,539 yesterday. We are all on Fire!!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    I'm dog sitting for the next few days, so Roxie is loving her play week with Molly. They got their exercise in, and I'm at 7388 steps already!

  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    I just found this and would also love to join.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Married with 4 kids who works full time.

    Monday - 13,011 steps
    Yesterday - 10,516 steps.

    The best way I found to get my steps in is to walk at break and I play Just Dance with my daughers (she's 12). Plus it's so much fun!

    I love the challenges on fitbit. Would do one every day but not everyone is like me.

    My user is www.fitbit.com/user/24XG5B for anyone who wants to add.

  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    @lisyg3737. Request sent.
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    Just over 30000 a day for me if anyone wants to add me on fit bit for daily challenges please sent me a message I would love to do more weekly daily challenges!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    Silly question... What's the process to add friends on Fitbit? I'd love to you all.
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    Heres my fitbit info https://www.fitbit.com/user/2GLPZK finally found this you have to go under profile in the fitbit website and it will give you your profile url or you can just use your email. Yesterday's total for me was 9,252.
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    You can add by email cindyboehm@sasktel.net Just click the add friends and you can click send email
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    31/3 10,274 steps
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    15,864....exhausted but happy. :#
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    10,581 steps
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
  • kathleenisrael1
    kathleenisrael1 Posts: 10 Member
    Missed Wednesday but did just over 12,000 today :)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    Good job, Kathleen! I hit 10,433. Now to work on keeping my eating on track!
  • waltzingaround11
    waltzingaround11 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone, this is exactly the group I need as I get back into tracking my steps! I'm a mom to an almost 2 year old and a 3.5 year old, work part-time and starting an art business so I'm very busy and need this motivation big time!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Received my Fitbit Charge from Fitbit yesterday and logged a total of 10,145 steps in the first 5 hours of wearing it. Will try and top that number today since I'll be wearing the Charge all day.
  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    Only reached 8247 yesterday.