*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #19 5.13.11



  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    bump for later
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Sunshines!

    What a week. I was sure I would be staying at 201 again, but alas I finally broke into One-derland!
    Highs and lows this week...

    Highs other than the weight one involved shopping. I finally broke down and bought some new clothes since nothing is fitting these days. I decided to go into a shop that I have never dared to go in because they don't carry "big girl" clothes. I nervously took a pair of size 16 capri's to the changing room.... and they were too big! So I ran back to the rack to get a size 14!! I tried them on and they didn't look right, not fitting right so I went and asked the sales lady how are these things supposed to fit ( I hate talking to sales people, I feel they are always judging me (internal dialolgue that needs to stop!!!)... she said they were too big! Pardon me?! So I bought a pair of size 12 capri's this week. That is a pretty big high!

    My lows include realizing that I am not eating to my potential. I need to include more fruit into my diet. And water needs to increase. A challenge I will take on this week.

    As for challenges I like the new one. I know that I can not live and die by what the scale says. It is only me (and you ladies) that actually know that sneaky number! My goal is to be fit and to have a body that moves. I realized last week that I need to develop my muscles. I had started P90X Lean on April 2nd. Last Monday, the 9th, I decided to challenge myself to the Classic version. Yes, I am in pain, but feel good and like my muscles are responding. So doing the inches challenge is right up my alley.

    Here's to another week of us kicking it up for the last 3 weeks of this challenge.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I was shocked to see it today as I feel I am retaining water right now. My muscles are all crampy with pain and I am having a difficult time getting my water in. I am very happy with what I have achieved, but at the same time it feel so anti-climactic!
    Kkmama... Haha, anti-climactic! I don't even remember when it happened to me. I'm sure it's really exciting for a lot of people though, and it's still a huge accomplishment!
    Highs other than the weight one involved shopping. I finally broke down and bought some new clothes since nothing is fitting these days. I decided to go into a shop that I have never dared to go in because they don't carry "big girl" clothes. I nervously took a pair of size 16 capri's to the changing room.... and they were too big! So I ran back to the rack to get a size 14!! I tried them on and they didn't look right, not fitting right so I went and asked the sales lady how are these things supposed to fit ( I hate talking to sales people, I feel they are always judging me (internal dialolgue that needs to stop!!!)... she said they were too big! Pardon me?! So I bought a pair of size 12 capri's this week. That is a pretty big high!
    Awesome!! :drinker:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok, so to answer my own questions..

    High-I am happy with my consistency with my water, and meals. I am not skipping meals or slacking on water. Also, I am exciting because my fitness page is getting more "likes" on Facebook and I'm seeing some great feedback. I am slowly but surely building the business aspect of my journey.

    Lows-My TOM on Thursday left me out of commission until today. I have never had really bad TOMs until I started taking Depo and now coming off of it. I need to start my BCP ASAp so there can be a little let up because I felt like I was going to die for these past 3 days. Woooo man! So of course that meant no working out those days.

    This week I will be completing some different schedules for myself. The first one is going to be a workout schedule for the week, which I am going to stick to! No matter what! Also, I am going to schedule in some time in my day to start compiling chapters I want to discuss in my book. Lastly, a daily schedule that allows me to workout, spend time with my son, prepare meals, and not end up in bed at midnight. I'm a Capricorn and I naturally need organization, and I feel like I have been running around aimlessly lol. So no more! Time to get it in gear.

    Well I hope you all have a great Sunday!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I would def. do any challenge you create ... you are so motivational and I love reading your posts everyday!

    My high and lows really depend on whats going on in my life. I am finally SETTLED. I am loving life right about now. I hve been doing well eating and am going to start back up exercising this week :) .... Treadmill intervals in the morning and if I have time in the afternoon I will do 30DS or some zumba. I think it is important to remember that this is a lifestyle change that sometimes things are going to happen where you have no choice but to eat out or not have enough time to workout. Focus on day to day, if you mess up one day don't let it turn into a week. Slow and steady wins this race. I can't believe how fast the time has flown with the challenge. I am no where nears where I wanted to be number wise but I feel/see my body has shrunk.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok, so I weighed in yesterday and I am down 1.8lbs from last week. I am excited about it because I am finally go back in the right direction. So I am hoping that this continues. I just realized that I can't do the net 1200 calories thing. If I eat 1200-1400 calories and workout, that is just that...So for now I am going to stick to my same eating habits that helped me lose the weight in the first place. And I honestly think that it is because I am still over 200lbs, and I can stand to eat a little less lol. So once I hit ONEderland I will reevaluate and see if the netting 1200 calories things makes more sense.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Good morning Sunshines! Sorry I have not been as active on the board lately. I'm trying to find the right balance. I tend to get involved in something and solely focus on that. So finding a balance has been hard. I maintained this week, which is good given I have just been having a free for all. I'm starting back today an focusing on cleaning my diet up once again. I felt so good when I was eating better. I don't know why we tend to fall back into the same eating patterns when they make us feel so bad. I also need to get back into the habit of exercise.

    My highs this week: 1) Saturday when I put on a pair of jeans I got from a fellow challenger in a size 14 and they felt wonderful! They actually looked really nice too. 2) Going out with a friend I haven't seen in awhile and for once being the "skinny" girl. (Is that bad to feel good about this? 3) Feeling like we are going to make some progress on my son's condition.

    My lows this week: 1) Falling off the wagon and eating whatever I wanted

    Well, I guess that is good I can only think of one low for the week.

    I can't believe we only have 3 more weigh ins! I better get busy! I don't want to leave this challenge with only a 10 lb loss. Gotta get crackin'!!

    As for the next challenge, it sounds good, but honestly I don't know how I will do. I'll be willing to participate and give feedback and encouragment.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! Happy Monday!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!! I am proud to say I finally got my butt up and worked out today for the first time in a looooong time!!! I havent been very good at all this month!!! I have been stuck at 155.5 since the end of April!!! I am soooo happy i invested in an ipod though!!! I went running today for the first time with it and the time just flew by!!! I ran/jogged for a whole hour and burned 430 cals!!! I havent had a burn that big in a while!!! It made me feel great so hopefully the music and the few minutes out of the apartment to have some "me time" will be enough motivation to keep me going :happy:
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 81
    Ok so I guess my highs this week were my size 20's don't even stay up anymore. Also my husband noticed my weight loss and told me should have joined me way sooner. :happy: My lows this week were I didn't try hard enough over the weekend and didn't exercise like I should have. I need to hit these next couple of weeks hard.
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Hello Ladies!!! Happy Monday!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!! I am proud to say I finally got my butt up and worked out today for the first time in a looooong time!!! I havent been very good at all this month!!! I have been stuck at 155.5 since the end of April!!! I am soooo happy i invested in an ipod though!!! I went running today for the first time with it and the time just flew by!!! I ran/jogged for a whole hour and burned 430 cals!!! I havent had a burn that big in a while!!! It made me feel great so hopefully the music and the few minutes out of the apartment to have some "me time" will be enough motivation to keep me going :happy:

    Me too girl! I finally got my butt up and ran on the treadmill for 30 min. I started the C25K over and it was harder in some ways and easier in some ways than the first time I attempted. I did notice I was jogging at a faster pace than I did previously and I wasn't about to die! The hard part was that I felt like it was taking forever. I was kind of thinking "If I was running longer, I could just get this over with". But in the end I was proud I did it and I am going to try to see it through this time.

    There is a 5K this evening I am going to participate in. My first one! I'm a little nervous since I had a hard workout last night and also I am doing a version of low carb right now and I know you are supposed to "carb up" before a race. Wish me luck!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! Happy Monday!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!! I am proud to say I finally got my butt up and worked out today for the first time in a looooong time!!! I havent been very good at all this month!!! I have been stuck at 155.5 since the end of April!!! I am soooo happy i invested in an ipod though!!! I went running today for the first time with it and the time just flew by!!! I ran/jogged for a whole hour and burned 430 cals!!! I havent had a burn that big in a while!!! It made me feel great so hopefully the music and the few minutes out of the apartment to have some "me time" will be enough motivation to keep me going :happy:

    Me too girl! I finally got my butt up and ran on the treadmill for 30 min. I started the C25K over and it was harder in some ways and easier in some ways than the first time I attempted. I did notice I was jogging at a faster pace than I did previously and I wasn't about to die! The hard part was that I felt like it was taking forever. I was kind of thinking "If I was running longer, I could just get this over with". But in the end I was proud I did it and I am going to try to see it through this time.

    There is a 5K this evening I am going to participate in. My first one! I'm a little nervous since I had a hard workout last night and also I am doing a version of low carb right now and I know you are supposed to "carb up" before a race. Wish me luck!

    Wow Brandy!!! thats great!!! I have yet to actually run in a 5K....mostly because I dont really want to do it alone, and since I had baby girl almost 2 years ago I really dont have any friends anymore....and my BF would never do it with me...He never works out, eats like a pig and still weighs less than me!!! :mad: But anywho I am soooo proud of you!!! I'm sure you will be amazing tonight!:happy:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This has been a stellar week. I am so happy that I am sticking to all the challenges that I am involved in. I am giving them 100%. I've worked my way up to real push ups. I'm starting to feel more muscles in my arms, legs and chest. My abs were even sore this morning. Also, my size 10 jeans are too loose, even with a belt. Almost ready to tighten the belt another notch.
    I can't wait to take "after" pics. I am going to take one in the pink shirt to compare from the first day and one in the white shirt to compare mid challenge to now.
    The weight may not have been coming off the way I'd like to or as consistent as I would have liked it, but the inches are definitely melting away.
    My (male) neighbor made a comment yesterday. He said, "you trying to lose it all, huh?" I hope he didn't mean my "assets" because I definitely don't want to lose those. I just want to improve on all my features! I want to always be curvy, so after the next 20 pounds, I will focus on toning and sculpting.

    Well thanks for letting me ramble. I better get off here. I still have so much to do before my daughter gets home.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! I am having a pretty good week and am looking forward to what the scale has to say about it this Friday! I have gotten back to really pushing myself. I also decided to enter a casting call fo the next TurboFire series...so I started TurboFire over on Monday..had to take day 1 measurements and weight, and then again after 30, 60 and 90 days. So it would be really cool to meet Chalene and be in those DVDS LOL.

    So I watched The Biggest Loser last night and was just in awe that three women have lost 100lbs this season! I mean really?! Granted they have trainers and all that resources they need to succeed and don't really have to deal with outside distractions like we do...bu they, still a great accomplishment. I would love to see an all-girl final!

    And the show actually got me thinking...I was watching it after I finished working out and I looked at myself in the mirror and just started to cry. Not because I didn't like what I saw...but because I said to myself, "Krystle you really did this!" I mean I still have more to go, but the very thought that I actually decided to change my life and am DOING it...no matter what bad days or good days that I have, I am changing my life every day. It is amazing, truly amazing to me. And I can't wait to get to my goal weight, because it will honestly be a great accomplishment than when I got my degree, as crazy as that sounds. LOL I just wanted to share that with you all as we near the stretch...you ladies are DOING IT...and doing a wonderful job, so don't forget the times when you were at your lowest.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    It has been a rough week for me so far. I'm glad tomorrow is my Friday! Between work and my daughter project that she wait until the last minute to work on. But thankfully she had a half day of school today and to my surprise she had it pretty much all done when I got home from work. I just had to double check everything for her and have he make a few corrections. It has been raining non-stop since like Sunday here and they are saying it isn't going to let up until Tuesday.

    I have also been following the news of the little boy that was left on side of the dirt road in Maine. I'm glad that they found the mother today just not looking forward to the details that will come out. Sounds like the murder may have happened in NH, my state. I'm really hoping it didn't happen in Rockingham or Strafford County as she will end up coming to my jail and we will have a hard time housing her because of what she is being charged with. Sad story!

    Well I'm off to bed. Yeah I get to do to bed early!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    This has been a stellar week. I am so happy that I am sticking to all the challenges that I am involved in. I am giving them 100%. I've worked my way up to real push ups. I'm starting to feel more muscles in my arms, legs and chest. My abs were even sore this morning. Also, my size 10 jeans are too loose, even with a belt. Almost ready to tighten the belt another notch.
    I can't wait to take "after" pics. I am going to take one in the pink shirt to compare from the first day and one in the white shirt to compare mid challenge to now.
    The weight may not have been coming off the way I'd like to or as consistent as I would have liked it, but the inches are definitely melting away.
    My (male) neighbor made a comment yesterday. He said, "you trying to lose it all, huh?" I hope he didn't mean my "assets" because I definitely don't want to lose those. I just want to improve on all my features! I want to always be curvy, so after the next 20 pounds, I will focus on toning and sculpting.

    Well thanks for letting me ramble. I better get off here. I still have so much to do before my daughter gets home.

    That's great girl! I'm glad that you are doing so well this week. Size 10's too loose...woo can't wait for that day for myself lol. Lord knows I haven't worn a 10 since high school and I actually think I was smaller, but I always wore my clothes bigger! Way to rock it out girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    It has been a rough week for me so far. I'm glad tomorrow is my Friday! Between work and my daughter project that she wait until the last minute to work on. But thankfully she had a half day of school today and to my surprise she had it pretty much all done when I got home from work. I just had to double check everything for her and have he make a few corrections. It has been raining non-stop since like Sunday here and they are saying it isn't going to let up until Tuesday.

    I have also been following the news of the little boy that was left on side of the dirt road in Maine. I'm glad that they found the mother today just not looking forward to the details that will come out. Sounds like the murder may have happened in NH, my state. I'm really hoping it didn't happen in Rockingham or Strafford County as she will end up coming to my jail and we will have a hard time housing her because of what she is being charged with. Sad story!

    Well I'm off to bed. Yeah I get to do to bed early!

    I saw that on a friend"s FB page...I was so disgusted! I just can't imagine being a mother and doing something like that to your own child! You know my thing is if you feel like you can't handle your child anymore...give him to someone in your family, give him up for adoption, but don't end his life because you can't handle your own...It makes me so mad! I honestly would have a hard time working in a prison and having to see her because I would probably strangle her. SMH!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member

    I saw that on a friend"s FB page...I was so disgusted! I just can't imagine being a mother and doing something like that to your own child! You know my thing is if you feel like you can't handle your child anymore...give him to someone in your family, give him up for adoption, but don't end his life because you can't handle your own...It makes me so mad! I honestly would have a hard time working in a prison and having to see her because I would probably strangle her. SMH!

    There was a story this week, where a 17 yr old put her newborn in a dumpster in the back of a church. Things like that drive me nuts, because there is a safe baby program in Wisconsin that lets anyone walk in to a hospital with a newborn and hand it over without questions.
    They found the 17 yr old and plan on changing her and the baby's dad. I hope they get to spend sometime in Jail. they are really lucky someone found that baby.