Losing 25 by July - lets be friends :)

Trying to lose these last 25 pounds by July sonce Im in two weddings this summer! I currently weight 160 and would like to be at 1035in. If you want to be friends and motivate each other feel free to add me!


  • branlovesu
    branlovesu Posts: 18 Member
    Man, my phone jacked that up! Haha since* 135ish*

    Anyways, its time for me to buckle down and just do it. So I could use all the support you're willing to give! ;)

  • pintorocket
    pintorocket Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in! I have a bit more to lose (50 total), but 25 by July sounds great!
  • ellysiavash
    ellysiavash Posts: 4 Member
    My exact goal :#
  • branlovesu
    branlovesu Posts: 18 Member
    Yay! We can do it ladies! :)
  • grubmom29
    grubmom29 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in too! Like PintoRocket I also have about 50lb to loose but I'm determined to get the job done this time. Need friends for support! :smile:
  • Danixkm
    Danixkm Posts: 114 Member
    My goals a little less at 17, but I'd love to be friends if that's okay :)
  • Cellery67
    Cellery67 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm at 159 and want to get down to 135 for a wedding in September! I'm friending you all! :) It's so doable but I have a hard time being consistent so I need some encouragement/inspiration/accountability.
  • mialias
    mialias Posts: 1
    Is there room for one more? I have 60 to lose - started this Monday. Down 5 so far - July would be a nice goal…with some support. :)
  • Hey ladies, i'm so in! I definitely need to lose weight that I've put on, but I'm hoping to eventually get into a "girls that lift" scenario. I am totally new to this all but if this sounds like you let's definitely connect and figure all this craziness out together!
  • sarinehatz
    sarinehatz Posts: 27 Member
    I have a about 20 to lose . Count me in . We can do this .
  • FrenchToast103
    FrenchToast103 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me, I am up for this! :)
  • This momma too! 30 pounds to lose.
  • buzzrio
    buzzrio Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in! I have 66 to lose to my goal (currently 226) so if I can get back into the 100's by July that would be awesome. I'll aim for 195 by July and I have exams coming up so it'll be stressful but I'm trying to use the stressful times to exercise and 'burn' the stress away!
  • buzzrio
    buzzrio Posts: 15 Member
    I don't think I used the word 'stress' enough! Haha!
  • I have 20 to lose. When I lost this same 20 pounds about ten years ago it was with the support of weight loss buddies. Being a part of this group would really help me!
  • LizBelle2015
    LizBelle2015 Posts: 60 Member
    I was 195. I'm 168. Need 30 pounds to go too! I'd love to see your diary and compare.
  • Jen_Free
    Jen_Free Posts: 7 Member
    We are twins :smile: I know we can do it and would love some positive reinforcement. Everyone expect a friend request! :smiley:
  • claresmith804
    claresmith804 Posts: 18 Member
  • mdhowarth
    mdhowarth Posts: 5 Member
    I too am currently 169 and would like to be around 135 so count me in please
  • joelschendel
    joelschendel Posts: 27 Member
    Please add me as well. Going on vacation to Myrtle Beach In July and need to drop some weight for the beaches.