
My name is Kim and I am here to practice self control and consistency in exercise logging my food intake.. I need self control for sure! My first week and I have gained 2 lbs.. Discouraged! =(
I am waiting for my fitbit to be delivered so I can see progress..


  • Suzley
    Suzley Posts: 58 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Keep logging everything! It's a marathon not a sprint. After a few weeks you will find your favourite foods and meals that will keep you at your target cals and then it's definitely easier. Keep your mind on what you want to achieve and not what you've done wrong. You can do it! I have lost nearly a stone in about 6 weeks - have another 4 stone to go! Good luck to us x
  • Body_4_Life
    Body_4_Life Posts: 23 Member
    Don't worry ... You will get there... The Fitbit is great