1200 calorie goal increase to 1500 + after I workout. Now its says I am not eating enough

Debechild Posts: 37 Member
1200 calorie goal increase to 1500 + after I workout. Now its says I am not eating enough. I don't know what to do. I have a hard time clearing the 1200 calories. I eat well I think, maybe too well. I am not that hungry. I thought I needed to burn more than I was putting in to lose weight. Any workout I do I end up having more calories to clear and usually its 8pm at night when all I want to do is go to sleep. What am I doing wrong?


    MERRYMONKEY512 Posts: 26 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Eat if you are hungry. Estimations of calories burned through exercise can be inaccurate anyway. Maybe check your weight regurarly, eat between 1200 and 1500 cal a day depending on how hungry or not hungry you are. Your body knows what it needs and will let you know, especially if you are treating it right. Good luck!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    At 1200 calories per day you already have a good calorie deficit built in. If you then burn 300 more it increases to 1500 because that will keep your deficit the same. If you don't eat the extra 300 calories then you've only eaten 900 net calories, which is too little for most bodies to function properly. You risk malnourishment and loss of muscle and/or bone density.

    Try adding some nutrient dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, avocado. Just a small portion will bring your calories up.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    The goal MFP sets for you already accounts for the deficit you need to lose weight, so it's recommended that you eat back (at least some of) your exercise calories. 1200 is also the minimum that you should be eating, and likely not enough unless you're very petite (I'm 5'1" and losing on 1400).

    If you provide your stats (age, height, current and goal weights), and make your diary public, you'll get way more helpful responses.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Also, it's really easy to eat more than you think you are. Make sure you weigh your food in grams on a digital scale, and log drinks too.
  • Debechild
    Debechild Posts: 37 Member
    ok going to make a few changes. Thanks everyone for responding and so quickly too. I was at a lost.
  • Debechild
    Debechild Posts: 37 Member
    ok my diary is now public, scary!!
  • bcolpetzer
    bcolpetzer Posts: 6 Member
    I have the same thing going on you do I love to swim and walk, which means my calorie goal rises I found that paying attention to the little things like different flavoring we put on our food can add calories also keep track of all those little things will add up for you. as long as you are eating wisely you should be fine. my diary is open also I love to look at others to get ideas whats working for them that would be a good fit for myself.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much because 1. you are eating back some of your exercise calories (those can be overestimated), and 2. your diary shows you aren't weighing your food. As long as you continue to lose weight, keep with what you're doing, but if the loss slows down or stops for several weeks, then you'll want to reevaluate to see what you can change.
  • Debechild
    Debechild Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks guys I am ok with it now. Although it is now taking away 200 calories if I dont burn a certain amount calories for that day. Its fine because by the time I get up and going I have already burn that amount and more.