Tone it up! members

Hey all --

I follow the Tone it Up! nutrition plan and I am looking for friends for motivation on here, and if you're in my area (NW Broward/Fort Lauderdale), I'd love to meet up for workouts :)


- martini


  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm not a TIU member (yet), but I have followed the workouts they post on YouTube for the past year now and am finally in a financial place where I can buy the plan! Before I do though, I was wondering, do the workout DVDs like Beach Babe come with your purchase of the plan or are those separate?
  • Hey, no you have to buy the DVDs separately, but they are totally worth it, especially with the new challenge coming up... there will probably be a lot of work outs in the weekly schedule from these DVDs. I have the 2nd beach babe, but I am thinking of purchasing the first too.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Oooooh, okay, I was wondering how updated workouts worked when there have only been two DVDs and a few actually Beach Babe seasons. Thanks for answering that for me!
  • staceemarie1987
    staceemarie1987 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a Tone It Up member, I'm in Cali but I'd love to be friends here! My IG is Staceemarie too if you'd like to follow to help hold each other accountable!
  • CandiSki
    CandiSki Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I am on the the TIU nutrition plan. Add me :)
  • heidelbergerin
    heidelbergerin Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to the TiU plan and have started on the 7DSD today! I would really love to connect with anyone else following the TiU plan - especially anyone in the North West of England. Are there any TiU meetups in the UK?
    I'm excited - I've got a loong way to go, but the community spirit is excellent and I'm really looking forward to joining in and being part of the TiU Team!
  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member
    come add me :)
  • ajb010
    ajb010 Posts: 6 Member
    I am!
  • I'm on the Tiu plan! And workouts! Add me cre0220
  • I'm in the TIU community too!
  • sheshouldbedead
    sheshouldbedead Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a member as well! In Southern California.
  • clarepearhealthkick
    clarepearhealthkick Posts: 82 Member
    I'm a member of TIU - please come and add me :)