Type 1 diabetics- low bs

I've been a type 1 diabetic for 13 yrs, now on a pump. Wondering if anyone has advice on controlling lows after exercise? I haven't been working out consistently enough to know how to adjust my pump and no matter when I workout my sugar seems to want to drop in the middle of the night. And then I want to devour everything in my refrigerator, effectively negating my diet.


  • Hey I'm also a t1d. Have been for 16 years. The biggest struggle for me losing weight is also lows after exercise. I'm going to talk to my Endo next month about temp basal rates for when I workout. Are you on a pump? I'm on a medtronic and also use a sensor. I also find that there is a difference in the way my insulin reacts to good carbs and bad carbs when I bolus. You also said that when you have a low you want to devour everything, so do I! I think I have to gain some self control to steer away from the bad foods!
  • yonahgefen
    yonahgefen Posts: 5 Member
    Try adjusting for a temp basal, usually 45 minutes or so prior to exercise. It can be a challenge and I still struggle with it. Usually set my temp at 25% of normal for that time.

    Fellow type 1 with insulin pump and CGM, using MFP and Fitbit - trying to get healthier, lose weight...
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am a T1, 27+ years, but I am on MDI....I usually just drink some chocolate milk or eat something small before and after a work out, but I guess it is different with a pump. I do not know much about the pump, but can you not just turn it off so to speak while you are working out? Like just during that hour or so?

    I agree about eating everything in sight when you are low, I just can never seem to control that!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Depending on exercise intensity, I'll often eat something to start high (upper 200's or 300's), then do a temp basal of 0% starting 1/2 hr. before exercise (I'm on Apidra, which acts quickly... otherwise, it would need to be earlier for Novolog or Humalog). Sometimes I need glucose tabs at some point during the workout, and other times I don't.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    I am not a diabetic so I admittedly do not know that much, especially on type one. But one of the best things my mom did when she started mfp and exercising was to drink Glucerna (diabetic supplement that helps maintain stable blood sugar control through long lasting carbs). She has one right before bed or right when she wakes up. It wont elevate quickly, it will just help stabilize your bl sugar. Maybe look into them?