hair loss due to weight loss

Hi, did anyone experience hair loss, after they lost about 26 pounds. I am shedding alot of hair. My bathtub is full of my hair. I never use to have this problem. My hair was very healthy. please help me! Thanks.Bye.


  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I'm no doctor and I might be way wrong, but to me it sounds like you are losing vitamins and minerals somewhere. That's what keeps our nails, hair and skin looking fresh! Maybe try a multivitamin.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi, did anyone experience hair loss, after they lost about 26 pounds. I am shedding alot of hair. My bathtub is full of my hair. I never use to have this problem. My hair was very healthy. please help me! Thanks.Bye.

    Make sure you're getting enough fat in your diet. Add a couple teaspoons of a healthy oil (canola, olive and flax are some examples) to something every day.

    If that doesn't help, see your doctor. Hair loss can be a sign of a health problem. (Or you could just be going through a natural shedding period.)
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    they sell hair, skin and nail vitamins at most stores. You might want to have your thyroid checked also.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I agree with the first person, a lot of hair health has to do with your diet - so it sounds like you are missing very necessary nutrients. I would talk to your doctor to find out what you need to do to fix it.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I have a good friend who followed Dr. Bernstein's diet - she lost A LOT hair, and then towards the end before she quit - she actually lost feeling in parts of her hands. Since she quit about 4 years ago, she's gained the weight back, but her hair has never recovered. It used to be thick and gorgeous, now its very thin, fine and brittle.

    I have another friend who was on the same plan and her hair began to fall out too. She tried to exercise and got so sick she was in bed for three days. Her regular doctor told her it would take at least a year to fix the damage she'd done to her metabolism after following bernstein's program. I don't see her very often, but last I heard her hair didn't go back to normal either, although she quit the program a lot sooner then the other lady, so it did't progress quite as badly.

    Basically its a a graduated starvation diet with a bunch of emotional abuse thrown in and both women suffered terrible consequences because of it. Its not healthy and its not safe. I'd like to see Bernstein's *kitten* thrown in jail for what he's done to people.

    I strongly recommend you talk to your doctor about what's happening, and bring your diary notes for at least 1-2 weeks so he/she can look them over. It could be related to your plan, but it could also be something else so I feel it would something important to check out.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Definitely see a doctor to be sure....but.......

    I've had this happen to me twice now. Both times I lost significant weight, I also lost hair (and I have thin hair and not much to lose in the first place!). All my nutrients were fine when they did blood work and my doc was very happy with my food log. However, it was just my body's way of dealing with the stress of losing weight (I lost fairly quickly). It has come back both times - then you have to deal with little wispy's of hair until it catches up with the rest ;)

    But, it could be a vitamin or iron deficiency so get it checked out!
  • jessicalhall85
    im having the same problem, but, i am breastfeeding and i had surgery and my step mom who is a nurse said that it can happen with both. i would advice seeing your dr. and maybe even taking a prenatal helps with hair and nails too! :D
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I posted a topic about this a few months ago and got several private messages about my "eating disorder".

    I started to lose hair once I hit about 20 pounds lost. I showed my doctor my food logs and he said I was getting all the right nutrition. He said when a person is losing weight at a consistent rate you're hormones don't have a chance to you adjust to your new weight, because it keeps changing. Once you hit your goal and start maintaining, the hormones will even out. At his suggestion I started to take a biotin supplement ($6 at Target) to promote hair growth and I haven't have a problem since. It's always a good idea to check with your doctor first before you start taking any supplements, but you're not the only one.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    No one here can tell you for sure. Hair loss is a symptom for a lot of different issues. It could just be your body adjusting to weight loss, it could be you're losing weight too quickly, it could be lack of nutrients.

    For issues like this you really should go see your doc. Any significant change that happens is worth a check up.
  • sjgill77
    i had a lot of hair loss after i lost weight. the doc told me it was due to hormone changes as a result of the weight loss and that it should come back once my weight stabilizes. however i never had it come back. i began taking biotin per a dermatologist.
  • Trizi
    Trizi Posts: 8 Member
    I went on Bernstein and lost weight feeling healthy.

    I noticed some hair loss and told the nurses. They told me to take some pills ( I think it was fish oils)

    It also coincided with a really stressful project at work with lots of toxic people who lie to their bosses about everyone just to divert attention from themselves.

    I quit work to start my own business and my hair grew back just fine. I'm also careful not to pull on it when combing and blow-drying.