When did others start noticing?

I've been working out since March 21st, I've lost 13 lbs. and maybe perhaps a little more (weigh-in tomorrow) because I notice my clothes fitting more and more lose. I just thought that someone would have noticed by now since I'm only 5"2'....LOL!

I'm just wondering how many pounds you lost before other people started noticing your success'?


  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I think sometimes people notice but they are afraid to say much, in case it insinuated you were fat before, kwim? In my last weight loss, this time last year, it took over 25 pounds. I do hide my weight well though.
  • hecky86
    hecky86 Posts: 9
    I'm a little over 5'6 and weighed 174....I didnt really start hearing much of anything until I was at a 25 lb loss . I agree with Supermel...It is a very touchy subject for alot of people and I'm sure people would like to congratulate you and or even find out how you did it,But are thrown off by a possible negative reaction. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks guys! You are probably right about it being a touchy subject. I'm hanging in there...
  • bugabaer
    bugabaer Posts: 15
    I agree with the other posters. Sometimes people are afraid to offend you if they say "wow, you look great! you lost weight?" or something to that effect. But eventually, people will start to notice. I think after about 10 lbs (I used to be 180something) people would ask me have I been losing weight , saying they could see it in my face. so it depends.
    But back to you ... congrats on your weight loss girl!! Keep it up!
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    People started to notice when I lost 10lbs but not many...just a few girls as work. (they are my cheerleaders!) I have lost 30lbs now and a lot of people have noticed! But still some of my family members (cousins/aunts) have not said ANYTHING!!! My friend has also lost around 15lbs and we talk about this all the time. We think that some people don't say anything because they are jealous. A lot of people in my family have struggled with their weight and I think it bothers them to see me succeed at something they have failed at. I can't say that I would not be jealous if one of them would have lost weight and I was still fat but I know I would congratulate them! Losing weight is hard and if you notice someone dropping some pounds you should ALWAYS compliment them...they have worked hard and there is nothing better than hearing "have you lost weight....you look great!"

    So keep on going girl....people will notice!!
  • bugabaer
    bugabaer Posts: 15
    great post! and kudos to you and your 30 lb loss!!
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    It really depends on what your starting weight is...No one has noticed my loss, including myself, but I do tell everyone about it and it's hard for them to miss me walking around the office with plates full of brussel sprouts.

    I've found in my weightloss in the past, starting at higher weights it takes a LOT more of a loss to notice, but as you lose...the smaller losses become more noticeable. I would say 25-30lbs makes people perk up if you are starting between 200-250lbs. They will truly start commenting after that :D
  • keinmehr
    keinmehr Posts: 14 Member
    It took 60lbs+ for the people that see me regularly to start noticing.... crazy huh? When you see people every day, they notice less. The people i saw less often noticed earlier.