New Running Shoes?



  • We can all tell you how much we love our shoes (Asics 2160) - BUT...

    YOUR feet are not OUR feet. Do you have an arch? Do you pronate? What if I do and you don't? MY shoes are NOT going to work for you AND could injure you. Your best bet would be to go to a running store to get fitted and get the right shoes for YOUR stride.

    If you don't have a running store, try Shoe Dog:

    **sheesh I'm slow - look at all the great similar advice you got while I was busy typing. :laugh:

    haha! its still greatly appreciated! to be honest I have no idea about my feet as far as arches or any of that goes, so I feel a visit to a running store is a must!
  • Rainey86
    Rainey86 Posts: 2
    I did a fitting like others say (new to running ) and ended up with mizuno's. I was told go 1/2 - 1 size up so you dont bang your toes. The shoes were reasonable price when I compared same shoe in other stores. Plan on spending 45 - 1 hour in the fitting, they should have you in numerous pairs jogging around the parking lot :)
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