Hello need to lose 100 lbs. starting out very motivated. just could use some help staying that way !



  • Lalo_Nyc
    Lalo_Nyc Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Marylou,

    This is a long road but you can defiantly accomplish your goal. I have lost 75 pounds over a 3 year period and I am looking to lose another 10. Stay focused and enjoy yourself at every step of the way with the knowledge you are making progress; small steps that do add up.

    Feel free to add me.

    Ed from NYC
  • Lisa9365
    Lisa9365 Posts: 2 Member
    My fitness pal is a great way to stay motivated. It allows you to become aware of your eating habits and to be accountable for what you are eating. By taking the time to enter your food choices, you'll be able to see in front of you your progress and also where you cheated. lol. You can do anything you put your mind to. It's great you have a trainer. I personally am a die hard Zumba fan!!! It burns a ton of calories and is the fastest toning exercise I have ever tried and I have tried many. So I would say...try a class!! Don't feel like everyone there knows all moves. Zumba really isn't about being the best at the dance moves it's about moving! And having fun. You will love the rush of feel good energy you have after a class and trust me you will get addicted to that feeling. My advice to stay motivated on your weight loss journey is to stay away from the scale after you initial weight check. Try not to fall into weighing yourself every single day but maybe the same day each week near the same time of the day since we do weigh more in the evening then we do in the morning. Good luck and keep up the great work!!!!
  • Lisa9365
    Lisa9365 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me also I would love to hear about your weight loss journey and you will also be able to keep me motivated by knowing someone else out there is trying hard also. lolol. :)
  • TammyMB69
    TammyMB69 Posts: 9 Member
    I to have over 100 to loss more like 230 pounds so far 87 gone so hard not sure I could have done it with out fittness pal.
  • Sandrita1981
    Sandrita1981 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Lost 24 lbs so far have about 80 left to go. Could use some support to stay on track too. Wanna be friends?
  • Lisa_0527
    Lisa_0527 Posts: 90 Member
    Best wishes to you on your journey! Anyone is welcome to add me for support/motivation.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Dont overcomplicate the right way to eat, its primarily just eating at a deficit by means of accurate calorie counting. For weight loss it doesnt matter what you eat as long as it meets your calorie traget, so most people eat in moderation.

    To make your calories go further , to get nutrition and prevent hunger then you should look at including more fruit and veg, lean proteins and complex carbs. Take it one day at a time and get your mindset right. uts straightforward otherwise.
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member

    I started my journey at 225 pounds. I am currently 145 and I hope to reach 125 by the end of the summer. I know how you feel. I believe that staying motivated is the hardest part, but if you want it bad enough, you will.

    For your diet feel up on filling foods in the morning, like protein (eggs, turkey bacon, etc.) and carbs to give you an energy boost, like oatmeal. A tip for oatmeal is to add a big of almond milk and egg whites to it. It will make it just absolutely delicious. For lunch, a lean sandwich with healthy whole wheat bread and chicken breast/turkey does the trick for me. However, most of the time I sadly do not have time to eat lunch which is a bummer. For dinner, it's all about volume for me because I am such a night eater. Veggies have lots of volume and are very filling. I also love a side salad with 1% milk fat cottage cheese as my dressing with a whole tomato. Don't forget about protein though. Some of my favorites are lean shoulder steak, grilled chicken breast, turkey, and grilled porkchops. Yum. For my night snack I love melon. I eat about half a cantaloupe and half a honeydew at night. It makes me oh so full. However, if I am craving that naughty ice cream, I will have me ONE scoop because I do not like to deprive myself. If you ever need help with your diet or just motivation feel free to send me a friend request and just shoot me a message.

    Best of luck,
  • headovermeals
    headovermeals Posts: 12
    edited April 2015
    Hey I've got about 220 to lose, anyone here can add me :) And good luck everyone, we got this