I need to start exercising

I have trouble keeping with an exercise routine usually after two days its out the window. I need help staying motivated


  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    I was in a really good routine for a while, but I lost my rhythm last year and am still struggling to get it back. What weekly goals are you looking to meet and what kind of exercise do you like to do?
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    The buddy system works well for me.
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    You should determine the reasons you want to exercise. Is there a skill you would like to develop or a group of people you'd like to know? Do you want to be strong, flexible, fast, and/or tough? What changes do you want to see in your health? Then, after you've made a list of your goals, pick an activity that fits with them. It will be a lot easier to stick with something that is rewarding for you.

    Exercise should be something that makes you feel better. For example, I go running because it is a cheap and relatively easy sport that I can do solo just about anywhere. The aerobic exercise is good for my asthmatic lungs and helps me sleep at night. (My job is pretty stressful right now.) Running also gets me out in the sunshine and helps boost my mood. It burns quite a few calories in a short amount of time, so I can have something sweet to eat in the evening.
  • SexyAngelRissa
    SexyAngelRissa Posts: 14 Member
    I would like to lose weight and have a fit healthy lifestyle. An all round tone body is what i am looking forward to, however I tend to snack too much and i rather watch tv than exercise. I am already over weight and slowly but surely the pounds keep adding on. I like the idea of the buddy system. Aerobic exercise was really fun when i tried it out
  • SexyAngelRissa
    SexyAngelRissa Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all your replies
  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    I like aerobics, too :) and I've found that I've come to really enjoy running, as well, though I hated it most of my life.
    It's not quite the same as an in-person buddy system, but I'd be happy to add you to my friends list. If we let each other know what our exercise goals are, we can provide each other with some encouragement and accountability on here.
  • ekat1234
    ekat1234 Posts: 290 Member
    I love watching tv as well. I found a solution to my motivation to exercising without meaning to because I started going to a gym and I realized they had tvs built into the treadmills so now I always look forward to going to watch it while I exercise. I also made the decision that I was tired of not doing anything about my flabby arms so that started my strength workouts.
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Try to determine some more specific goals. Goals like "getting fit or having a healthy lifestyle" are good, but they allow for too much ambiguity and not enough accountability. Sign up for a 5k a few months from now and train for it, or make it your mission to complete a hike with someone and work out to get ready for it. Join a running of walking group do that you have more accountability. Commit to being able to do x amount of pull-ups or push-ups and give yourself a date to complete it by. I too find it hard to get moving sometimes, but making smaller specific goals with specific end dates and sharing them with others has really made the difference. It's much harder to put the TV first when you know someone or something else is waiting at the finish line. Good luck!!
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    Cardio is anything that keeps your heart rate up. Set aside 30 min out of your day to walk, jog, bike, whatever you like. If it's within budget, you may want to invest in a stationary bike or treadmill to put in your living room so you can work our whole watching your shows?

    I want to be a couch potato too and snack all day, and while it feels comfortable at the moment, I know I'm not doing myself any favors by getting fatter and fatter lol. Find your reason/ motivation for getting in better shape. Why do you want it? Write it down, paste it up on your bathroom mirror and remind yourself every day why you need to get your cardio in. After you get into your routine, it will become habit and you will start feeling better!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I joined the gym and take 2 spin classes with a friend. That helps motivate me as I don't want her thinking I whipmed out. Lol
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Find something thats fun and you can enjoy.

    Alternatively just commit and get on with it. Exerise has many plusses and can support your weight loss as well as help with muscle development. Either those things are important to you and you are prepared to do whats needed or you are not. If you dont want to exercise then just accpet you dont get any of the benefits either.

    It becomes easier once you understand what it is you are trying to do and see how it helps. You waste less time if you have a workout ready and know what you plan to do when in the gym. Id find a buddy slowed me down, but if it helps you get to the gym then get one.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 341 Member
    I've had good luck watching tv while on the elliptical or bike. I even find myself staying longer if something interesting is on. I watch programs I don't allow myself to watch at home
  • sarahkeedwell
    sarahkeedwell Posts: 18 Member
    I always use a pedometer to track my walking. I always try to go more longer to set a new rocord lol! It keeps it fun :-)
  • SexyAngelRissa
    SexyAngelRissa Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks i like all your comments. I'll try making more specific goals. A stationary bike will be perfect for me.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You have to find something you like doing. After working with a personal trainer for six months, I was left on my own to work out with my gym routine and found I hated it - headed over to a fitness class and never looked back. I love the social aspect in addition to the variety.
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    abs2k15 wrote: »
    I have trouble keeping with an exercise routine usually after two days its out the window. I need help staying motivated
    Do you live in an area where it's nice to take walks? Alone or with a friend. It's a great way to start the day. As you get used to that, you can start to jog small portions and gradually increase the amount until your running the entire route. Or just walk, it is an excellent form of exercise and its great to be outdoors enjoying nature, other people, your own thoughts, and your body being active.

  • SexyAngelRissa
    SexyAngelRissa Posts: 14 Member
    Great thanks. 3 years later and still struggling. Lol. I like group workouts tho. I stick with those the longest
  • knighton78
    knighton78 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m a music lover so I just put my headphones in and get in a zone. The buddy system throws me off but maybe I don’t play well with others. Lol :-)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Baby steps, "if-then" programming, and incentives. That's what works for me. I know I burn out quickly and start dreading exercise if I go all out, so I told myself "just a 5 minute walk a day". Some days that's all I did, other days I did more, and it grew from there. I also use "if-then" programming to link exercising to a habit: "if" I finish drinking my last cup of coffee "then" I get up right away and walk. This linked exercise to drinking coffee so I don't forget it or procrastinate. As for incentives, I started bribing myself with audiobooks. I love books, so I assigned certain audiobooks to "exercise only" and I can't listen to them unless I'm exercising. This made me want to exercise longer because I didn't want to leave off on an exciting part, and when I'm listening to a particularly interesting book, I can't wait for the next exercise session to come. Some days I have to tell myself off not to have a second session on the same day.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The thing that keeps me going is doing something every day. That way it becomes a habit - just something I automatically know will happen every day, so I just make sure I get it done. If I take breaks or "rest" days, I start getting very inconsistent because I feel like I don't really have to do it. I can always just push it off to another day. So now (if I need it) I have "active rest" days, where I still do exercise, but it's less intense. That way I'm always getting something done.

    The other thing that motivates me is the Fitbit I got for Christmas. Fitbit knows all. It keeps me honest.

    (Bonus: All this activity means I consistently have more calories to play with every day and I'm able to look forward to daily treats!)