Brain surgeries, survival & starting over alone.

Hey all.
So, last April (11th) they found a softball size tumor on the motor center of my brain. I was 30. They rushed me in the same day for emergency surgery, removed the tumor & I died on the table. Well, I came back. They stapled me up, less a very large brain mass... And I didn't know anything. Who I was, what happened, my birthday, and I had no mobility on the left side of my body, nor any feeling. Also, I couldn't walk or talk. Talking came back within days. Walking, well, they told me I'd never walk again. And I'm Irish, so, it really just made me angry!! So, needless to say I got up and walked the same day. Yes, I fell. Twice. Yes, I only took 2 steps. No, I couldn't feel anything.... But I did it.

I've been at war with my body since then. They had to give me horrible "brain only" steroids to keep the swelling down in my brain. For months. And then I had a second brain surgery, in August. So, this whole time I am in live-in rehabilitation therapy, learning how to walk & shower & everything else. And I balloon up from 169 lbs -- to 240, this day. I am horrified, I am scared that I can't fix it, and I have almost zero friends where I live. My BFF is in my corner; but she lives in Virginia and I'm in California. I have my 71 year dad, but he has stage 4 throat cancer, lives with a feeding tube, an oxygen machine and heavy duty health problems.


  • Tjboi13
    Tjboi13 Posts: 4
    Hey there! I kinda know what your going through! I suffered a traumatic brain injury this year and im now back trying to get healthy all over again. Would love to connect!
  • aygullum
    aygullum Posts: 27 Member
    I guess everyone's battle is different. My battle is my speech impediment.I get fired all the time due to my challenge. All I wanted to say, keep fighting and soon you will see the end of the tunnel... You and your father are in my prayers!! Add me if you like... I am new also :)
  • Thank you guys. I keep saying, "the struggle is real," and it is. Hang on there, everyone.

    Relating to the brain, I got a letter from my neurosurgeon telling me it's time for a new MRI. It's only been 60 days. Color me concerned.
  • arcona
    arcona Posts: 4 Member
    If anyone in this group has or had a meningioma, there is a group on-line called "Meningioma Mommas" that is very supportive and private. I love it and it saved my sanity following surgery.
  • kgmcgee
    kgmcgee Posts: 34 Member
    Your strength and determination are inspiring! My mom has had brain tumors as well. She had surgeries in 2006 and 2009 to remove baseball sized tumors. In 2010, the cancer came back all over her brain. There were too many tumors to count. The doctors gave her 6 months. But God had other plans. She was healed completely of the all signs of cancer. She got to see my daughter get married and hold her great grand baby! It's 5 years later and she's still hanging in there! Praying your MRI comes out clean. God must have big plans for you!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Thank you guys. I keep saying, "the struggle is real," and it is. Hang on there, everyone.

    Relating to the brain, I got a letter from my neurosurgeon telling me it's time for a new MRI. It's only been 60 days. Color me concerned.

    DH had a tumor of the pituitary gland....between the eyes.Hours of surgery thru the nose with several Drs.Terrifying to him,1st surgery,1st time in hospital.Months of recovery & has been nearly 4 yrs.He now sees neurosurgeon once a yr after cat scan,MRI etc.We are just thanful to hear "all is well".
    Wishing the same for you.
  • patceoh wrote: »
    Patceoh wrote: »

    DH had a tumor of the pituitary gland....between the eyes.Hours of surgery thru the nose with several Drs.Terrifying to him,1st surgery,1st time in hospital.Months of recovery & has been nearly 4 yrs.He now sees neurosurgeon once a yr after cat scan,MRI etc.We are just thanful to hear "all is well".
    Wishing the same for you.

    I'm not sure I quoted right, I was trying to quote you without quoting myself. Bless you and your DH, that is terrifying. And for awhile life is one cats can and MRI at a time. I than you for the encouragement!! They've moved the dart to the 7th, so I'm getting antsy.
  • See? I did it wrong. Before they Mellon balled brains, I wrote code and designed websites and interactive widgets. I also typed 92wpm back then. Now, I can't feel my hands or fingers so typing is hard and I can't remember how to understand code or css or HTML or bbcode.
  • kgmcgee wrote: »
    Your strength and determination are inspiring! My mom has had brain tumors as well. She had surgeries in 2006 and 2009 to remove baseball sized tumors. In 2010, the cancer came back all over her brain. There were too many tumors to count. The doctors gave her 6 months. But God had other plans. She was healed completely of the all signs of cancer. She got to see my daughter get married and hold her great grand baby! It's 5 years later and she's still hanging in there! Praying your MRI comes out clean. God must have big plans for you!

    This is so beautiful and inspiring!! God bless you and your mom & your daughter & baby!! I'm truly touched and inspired to hear this.
  • kgmcgee wrote: »
    Your strength and determination are inspiring! My mom has had brain tumors as well. She had surgeries in 2006 and 2009 to remove baseball sized tumors. In 2010, the cancer came back all over her brain. There were too many tumors to count. The doctors gave her 6 months. But God had other plans. She was healed completely of the all signs of cancer. She got to see my daughter get married and hold her great grand baby! It's 5 years later and she's still hanging in there! Praying your MRI comes out clean. God must have big plans for you!

    Hallelujah give thanks and praise!!! These stories do my heart good! It helps to see I'm not alone And that other like me are living successful lives. Thank you!
  • arcona wrote: »
    If anyone in this group has or had a meningioma, there is a group on-line called "Meningioma Mommas" that is very supportive and private. I love it and it saved my sanity following surgery.

    Me!! I had what they thought was a 4cm tumor, that when they opened my cranium (it had pushed my brain downward and to the left. It was crushing my optic nerve. It was actually the sized of a softball. Not a baseball, big difference, I was scheduled for a 2.5 hour surgery, but was under for over 9:45, and being upside down face down so long made the blood vessels in my eyes burst, render ing me nearly blind - still working on that. I died for over 8 minutes. I'm curious about this group - I'm only a parent to 2 pitbulls & a kitten & my kittens kitten