starting a new life style

My Dr is challenging me to lose weight in 3 weeks. I'm over weight for my age and I have 4 kids that needs me to be healthy. So outdoor life, here I come!


  • shontaelelward
    shontaelelward Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you're doing some good things for yourself.
  • kitkat0613
    kitkat0613 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!! I also have children (5).. I am over weight and would like to lose weight to be healthy for them.. So here's to motivation for each other!!
  • Mekaforbz
    Mekaforbz Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks guys! Looking forward to seeing the numbers drop on the weight scale.
  • SweetSiJ
    SweetSiJ Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Same here! My doc told me I have no option but to lose weight. And I agreed once I stepped on the scale. Good luck!
  • Mekaforbz
    Mekaforbz Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck to you too sweetsij, I'm cheering u on!