Feeling fat

Hey everyone the past two days I feel so fat I've been in a long journey of hard work and thought I lost a lot more than I have like not calculation but I'm actually thinking about how much weight I've actually lost and it's not that much , I just don't know what to do !!! I'm not quitting no way but I feel really sad about myself and feel like I'm on a treadmill that I'm putting so much work into and that is going super slow , please any tips or advise I would greatly appreciate :(


  • fish2find
    fish2find Posts: 221 Member
    For myself it feels like baby steps and I want to run, I feel you. Its been a hard realization that Im not in a race, its a life time and I might not even see much of the reward until extra days are added on at the end.
    Good luck on your journey and sorry your frustrated.
  • Feeneym20
    Feeneym20 Posts: 24 Member
    fish2find wrote: »
    For myself it feels like baby steps and I want to run, I feel you. Its been a hard realization that Im not in a race, its a life time and I might not even see much of the reward until extra days are added on at the end.
    Good luck on your journey and sorry your frustrated.

    Completely understand you, good luck with everything and thank you.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    edited April 2015
    Give yourself time. How many pounds are you aiming to lose? It takes longer when you don't have a lot of extra on your body. You look slim in your photo, which means you're likely already making healthy choices regularly. Hope you get to feeling better about yourself soon. You look fantastic.
  • Feeneym20
    Feeneym20 Posts: 24 Member
    Aww thank you sooo much!!! I'm working on feeling better about myself thank you!!
  • jaliving
    jaliving Posts: 57 Member
    Feelings are fleeting. Thankfully fat can be too!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I feel the end act same way lately. Down 56 pounds but all I can think is...I am still so fat. 25 pounds to go to reach my goal. It is so frustrating. I just want to get there, you know? I have been at this for ten months. :s
  • katarina005
    katarina005 Posts: 259 Member
    JayRuby84 wrote: »
    Give yourself time. How many pounds are you aiming to lose? It takes longer when you don't have a lot of extra on your body. You look slim in your photo, which means you're likely already making healthy choices regularly. Hope you get to feeling better about yourself soon. You look fantastic.

    agreed you're beautiful! feeling fat is something I think a lot of people are familiar with, and for me it's about changing the way you see yourself. that your body is not saying anything. that the media itself is telling us this stuff. I've lost some weight but wish it were more too
  • Feeneym20
    Feeneym20 Posts: 24 Member
    palwithme wrote: »
    I feel the end act same way lately. Down 56 pounds but all I can think is...I am still so fat. 25 pounds to go to reach my goal. It is so frustrating. I just want to get there, you know? I have been at this for ten months. :s

    Omg 56 pounds???? That is amazing oh my god well done!!! I know how hard it is and you do too but it is worth it I mean just think how you would feel if you were back 56 pounds heavier I bet you would say well done and be so proud of yourself , do not stop keep going your doing so well
  • Feeneym20
    Feeneym20 Posts: 24 Member
    JayRuby84 wrote: »
    Give yourself time. How many pounds are you aiming to lose? It takes longer when you don't have a lot of extra on your body. You look slim in your photo, which means you're likely already making healthy choices regularly. Hope you get to feeling better about yourself soon. You look fantastic.

    agreed you're beautiful! feeling fat is something I think a lot of people are familiar with, and for me it's about changing the way you see yourself. that your body is not saying anything. that the media itself is telling us this stuff. I've lost some weight but wish it were more too

    Thank you for calling me beautiful, you are too Yeah ugh I know the media makes anyone who isn't stick thin feel fat