Fussy eater!!

Hi everyone,

I wrote a post about having huge anxiety and how it affects me going to the gym and had a massive response, all so helpful & supportive so it's given my the courage to post another one of my problems!

I started a 1,200 calorie a day diet two weeks ago.. But finding it so hard as I not only binge (comfort, emotional eating), and a chocoholic, but an HUGELY fussy eater too! I like the plainest of plain foods and I can see me going back to my old eating habits of I don't find more food that I do like... Just so you have an example, I tried crumpets for te first time the other day & strawberries not too long ago either. Because my tastebuds are so used to plain things it's hard to like anything.

If anyone used to have this problem or has any tips at all, any suggestions are welcome ☺️ xx


  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I am simply put one of the pickiest eaters. I try most things once unless it looks slimmy or smells like garbage. I just try to add things I dont necessarily like in very very small portions to what I do like. You can add me as a friend and look at my diary if you want.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You'll probably have an easier time not binging if you change your weight loss goal to 0.5 or 1lb a week instead of 2lbs.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Nothing wrong with plain foods. are you getting all of your macros and micros from your diet ? If not then yes you may have to expand your range some but that doesn't mean you can't choose plain foods. Just slowly try new things and add them into your mix as you find what you like.

    I tend to eat plain simple meals and often times the same thing for a few weeks straight. Do what works for you.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    What aspects about certain foods bother you? Texture? Taste? Smell? Visual Appeal?
    Maybe you should stick to your comfort food by measuring/weighing it and eating it in small portions.
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    You'll probably have an easier time not binging if you change your weight loss goal to 0.5 or 1lb a week instead of 2lbs.

    You're probably right! I am so impatient with weight loss.. But probably is a better option. Thanks!

  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    edited April 2015
    RodaRose wrote: »
    What aspects about certain foods bother you? Texture? Taste? Smell? Visual Appeal?
    Maybe you should stick to your comfort food by measuring/weighing it and eating it in small portions.

    Hi! All of the above. I've not tried any seafood before because of texture, visual and smell!

    I can never buy ready made sandwiches in any shop because I either don't like the combination (I prefer a plain cheese or plain ham etc.) & they put mayo in everything; which I don't like either.

    I am the same with drinks.. I've never tried coffee and hate the smell.. I've never tried any fruity tea or anything like that because I can't imagine having something like that hot?! Although meant to be very beneficial for health.

    Maybe you're right and I need to just stick to small portions of the things I do like and maybe take vitamin supplements or something.
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?

    I am 5'4' and if my scales are right (which I suspect not) I weigh 138lbs...
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    AmberSue09 wrote: »
    I am simply put one of the pickiest eaters. I try most things once unless it looks slimmy or smells like garbage. I just try to add things I dont necessarily like in very very small portions to what I do like. You can add me as a friend and look at my diary if you want.

    That's a very good tip! I have most recently sneaked in leak into casseroles/stews and mixed with everything else I feel like I can't taste it as much.

    It's hard being such a fussy eater huh! I'd love to go to a restaurant and be overwhelmed with choices, I always stick to the same thing, it's safe and no money gets wasted.

    I will add you as a friend on here, thank you!
  • jtolman619
    jtolman619 Posts: 128 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm SUCH a picky eater. I eat a lot of the same things too. It's hard cause it's not like I want to be picky. That's just the way I am!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with plain foods. are you getting all of your macros and micros from your diet ? If not then yes you may have to expand your range some but that doesn't mean you can't choose plain foods. Just slowly try new things and add them into your mix as you find what you like.

    I tend to eat plain simple meals and often times the same thing for a few weeks straight. Do what works for you.

    Hi :-)

    Do I sound really ignorant if I say I'm not sure what macros and micros is? I'm assuming it would be vitamins and minerals needed?.. Most likely not if I'm honest.

    I will try my very best to add in things here and there that I don't like.. Scary though!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    jtolman619 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm SUCH a picky eater. I eat a lot of the same things too. It's hard cause it's not like I want to be picky. That's just the way I am!

    Hi lovely,

    Thank you for the comment, nice to know you're not the only one huh! Nightmare sometimes isn't it!

    I've added you☺️
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm not a picky eater, I'm usually willing to give something several tries before I decide I don't like it. I tried to like fat free sweetened greek yogurt but I just couldn't. So what did I do? I just continued to eat my good old plain full fat greek yogurt, just less of it. You don't need to eat specific things to lose weight. Look at the things you do like, see which ones have less calories, have them more often and in larger quantities. Now look at the things you like that have high calories and either eat them less often or reduce the amount.

    Don't stress yourself out. It takes time to lose weight (especially in your case since you aren't obese), and spending that time fussing and worrying is not worth it.
  • enoughisenough9
    enoughisenough9 Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me too :) I am a ridiculously picky eater ( as evidenced by my diary which has a very unhealthy amount of chocolate and takeaway), and so what I do is exercise a lot so I can fit in what I want to eat without going over my net calories.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Smaller portions of foods that you enjoy is the way to go. If you have not already done so, consider purchasing a good scale so that you can get a handle on portion sizes. You do not have to expand your list of foods if you don't want to. That being said, you may need to consider vitamins if you are not getting them from your food. A good quality multivitamin will probably do the trick.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    What food do you binge on being a picker eater? Something sounds weird about this question..

    You like comfort food as you are an emotional eater, but you are so fussy about food choices... I am assuming you love ice cream, chocolate bars, cookies and hate fruits, veggies, meat, etc..

    Sounds like an ED. :o

  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?

    I am 5'4' and if my scales are right (which I suspect not) I weigh 138lbs...

    Why does your profile say you want to lose 28 lbs?

    Hi again,

    That is what I weighed before my crippling anxiety, depression and panic attacks came into play and I've since piled on pounds i'm not used to carrying.. I don't fit in any of my clothes comfortably and don't have the money to go out & buy a wardrobe full of new ones.. I want to fit back into them.
    Because I am so short, it shows up a lot more (or I think so at least)
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    edited April 2015
    gia07 wrote: »
    What food do you binge on being a picker eater? Something sounds weird about this question..

    You like comfort food as you are an emotional eater, but you are so fussy about food choices... I am assuming you love ice cream, chocolate bars, cookies and hate fruits, veggies, meat, etc..

    Sounds like an ED. :o


    It does sound like a bit of a contradiction doesn't it! What I mean is I am a very VERY fussy eater, but, I do eat a lot of the stuff that I do like! As you mentioned - chocolate etc. I think I have a sugar addiction. I struggle with eating veg, salad, fruit... Everything that is good for you basically!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    RaeN81 wrote: »
    Smaller portions of foods that you enjoy is the way to go. If you have not already done so, consider purchasing a good scale so that you can get a handle on portion sizes. You do not have to expand your list of foods if you don't want to. That being said, you may need to consider vitamins if you are not getting them from your food. A good quality multivitamin will probably do the trick.

    Thank you! :-)

    I've needed scales for soooo long now, so this is definitely the push I need to go and buy some!

    From everyone's advice, so start with I think I will eat less of the stuff I like, so I still get to eat it & incorporate very small portions of things that I don't like in with things that I do.

    This forum is full of such helpful people!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me too :) I am a ridiculously picky eater ( as evidenced by my diary which has a very unhealthy amount of chocolate and takeaway), and so what I do is exercise a lot so I can fit in what I want to eat without going over my net calories.

    Send you a request! :-)

    It is hard isn't it.. Because we tend to stick to the same foods, no variety! I find it a nightmare eating at other peoples houses, because I hate to be rude, but can't physically make myself eat things I don't like. It's a vicious circle!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not a picky eater, I'm usually willing to give something several tries before I decide I don't like it. I tried to like fat free sweetened greek yogurt but I just couldn't. So what did I do? I just continued to eat my good old plain full fat greek yogurt, just less of it. You don't need to eat specific things to lose weight. Look at the things you do like, see which ones have less calories, have them more often and in larger quantities. Now look at the things you like that have high calories and either eat them less often or reduce the amount.

    Don't stress yourself out. It takes time to lose weight (especially in your case since you aren't obese), and spending that time fussing and worrying is not worth it.

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    As you mentioned I don't have huge amounts to loose, so it's the stubborn areas that I just can't seem to shift.

    What you mentioned about your yoghurt is probably the best way to go, so that you actually still enjoy the things you are eating an testing your willpower with when to stop! I've never checked calories so much on packets in my life! I didn't realise just have a bowl of cereal costs you in calories for the day! I will still eat the very few things that I do like, but in smaller portions I think..
