Terrible eating habits!

anmonte87x Posts: 10 Member
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I have terrible eating habits this is easy for anyone to see.

My general day is:
Get up whenever ( usually 10am - 12am )
Sit at pc, eat whatever is around me. * typically sugary hard candy, Chips, and soda.
When i eat I typically try to be conscious of what i eat at meal times however i currently do not have set times i eat or set amounts of number of times per day. My typical is once or twice a day I will eat an actual meal during the day and once at night usually fairly late at night.

I am a nightowl at heart and am most awake late in the evening and into the night. I LIKE to go to bed at 2-4am this just feels right to me. However, I got a new job that requires me to be AT WORK at 7am. I am 1 week in and i loath it. The work itself is fine, i even really enjoy it.. but getting up and getting there and then dreding through the day half asleep is killing me.

It is a battle just to get myself out the door for work. I go through cycles of telling myself I'm not going or i don't want to go or that its not worth it... i didn't sleep well.. etc.

Lately I have been trying to force myself to sleep earlier. I am not taking to it well. I put myself to bed at midnight and i am often laying in bed with my eyes closed for what feels like forever. I roll around and try to get comfortable but it's just not working. I spent at least an hour maybe 2 hours trying to fall asleep. I do not have a restful sleep and wake up periodically through the night until it is time to get up.. which is about the time i am actually tired and actually want to sleep. so i am immediately frustrated by this and do not want to get up.

( I also suffer from PTSD which makes leaving the house an intense battle )

I have restricted my diet the last week much more than usual. I have no sugar left, no caffeine, and have greatly reduced the amount of "junk" around my desk for me to easily access...

Since I started my job I have been making my own lunch and bringing it in so that i am less likely to eat fast food. My lunch is Rice and a veggie ( mixed ) veggie of choice this week was broccoli. I had a semi small container but it was moderately slathered in butter.

My problem is that I am neither hungry nor full pretty much all the time. If you put food in front of me i will eat it.. if there is no food around I will not eat for long periods of time and then binge eat when i gain access to food again.

I hate water, I cant spell it out any other way I...HATE... WATER... I have always been like that. The only time i want water is when i am dying after a work out or it is really hot out. I just don't care for it. Even when i should have water, when i drink it i feel bloated and full almost immediately and even feel like i could gag.. It does not make sense to me but it is what it is. Everyone will say " sip it " well i wont. I literally just wont drink anything if there's only water in front of me. Obviously after a while i will but my water in take is poor at best when I do that.

So, i switched to Fresca from coke, and I had recently switched to coke from energy drinks. I had to ease off them because I was getting intense migraines without them.. I was drinking at least 2 energy drinks a day for at least the last 3 years. This has been a painful transitions so far for me.

I served in the army and got very addicted to caffeine.. we were given huge pallets of free energy drinks called Rip its and i loved them.

I don't even know what exactly I am looking for from this post.. maybe help.. maybe just to vocalize my problems because i know they are there and i just don't talk about them. I used to be 130 pounds, 5'4" redish blond hair and blue eyes. I was active and healthy i was that cute girl that had the thigh gap in high school and even after my first son and the military i maintained being " in shape " my mothers side of the family are all Hefty and most of my grandfathers family ( maternal ) have died off of diebetes, even he has diebetes and he is battling it with the help of my grandma for well.. my entire life. Hes on a pretty strict diet and hes still very obese... I don't want that to be my fate, but i don't want to not enjoy food anymore either. I love food i love tastes and i have a soft spot in my heart for heavy foods like potatoes and the like.

I often times rationalize my eating habits because i want to eat food i think tastes good and i know that is relative and will change when my diet does. it's just very hard.

I am lucky enough to have caught this problem before it has gotten out of control. But i feel I am on the line right now of becoming out of control. I weighed myself an hour ago and i am 164 pounds. that is 10 pounds heavier than i was a month ago. my weights been fluxing 5-15 pounds every month for a bout a year but it is a slow losing battle of putting on weight. I went from a size 6 in 2011 to a size 8 in 2013 to a size 10 in 2014. i am a size 10 now and some of my pants are no longer comfortable to wear and are even RIPPING!! in the inner thighs from my legs rubbing together so much... ugh

What should i do? i mean i know what to do but where do i start and how do i stop the food cravings?


  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I stopped buying stuff that knew I couldn't control myself around. If it's not in the house then I can't eat it. Also don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry.
    In the end you're a grown adult,people here can give you loads of advice and tips, but you're the only one that can follow through with it all, find your willpower and just do it!! :D
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am a night owl too.
    My suggestion is that you eat at maintenance for three or four weeks while you adjust to the new sleep regime. <3
    In the meantime, do not toss and turn. That establishes an unhelpful pattern. Get out of bed to read for 10 or 15 mins (stay away from electronics) because reading engages your mind in a helpful way and go back to bed to try for another 15 mins. ('Sounds crazy I know but you might want to give it a try.)
    If you are not eating at set times, try eating at one set place -- like a table away from your desk.
    Practice good sleep hygiene by getting everything (esp the electronics) out of the bed room. The only things in my room are the bed, the alarm clocks, and the noise maker (little fan). Even my clothes are in a different room.
    http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Info-sleep hygiene.pdf
    You do not have to drink water. Drink whatever you want. Also depending on our food, we only need about 4 eight-ounces of liquids a day. Keep drinking the caffeine as long as you do not think it interferes with your sleep.
    I am sensing that you are trying to do too many things at the same time.
    Take care of your PTSD, take care of yourself, congratulate and thank yourself for when something goes well. :)
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited April 2015
  • lillykate9
    lillykate9 Posts: 4 Member
    Take one bad habit to fix at a time. Switching everything at once will set yourself up for failure. Don't drink caffeine too close to when you want To go to sleep (I love my coffee). You can do this and it doesn't happen overnight. I didn't realize how much I let myself go and was making excuses. I still doing eat well 100% of the time but I'm shooting for 70% of the time. You can do it!
  • anmonte87x
    anmonte87x Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the input :) I got my sister to move her pc out of our bedroom ( im staying with the parents for a bit between moves ) and i was actually able to sleep decently.

    gonna start sending myself to bed at 11pm each night even on nights off to stay in a rhythm.

    As for the PTSD i cant really take care of it sadly. its on going for years and come to think of it it's about the time i started to put on weight. I'll talk to my therapist about it. thanks :)
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,415 Member
    For sleep, I recommend stopping with the computer and white/blue light sources at least an hour before you go to bed. I also recommend a vitamin D supplement (or getting some sun, now that it's summer!) and a check-up with the doctor for general blood work to look at your vitamin and thyroid levels. (A LOT of nutritional shortcomings end you with insomnia as a symptom. Thyroid, D, B12, etc... Short on any of them and the result is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep.) Work outs can also help you sleep harder, provided they're not done too close to bed time.

    Possibly look into a source of white noise like a fan or white noise phone app. :) Good luck, and sleep tight!
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