60 and Over weight with high sugar.

cantd8yet Posts: 3
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I started my weight loss journey since the first of the year. I started out weighing 211 lbs and now I am down to 192.


  • HelenDichelle
    HelenDichelle Posts: 9 Member
    Great work! Keep it up! ☺
  • cantd8yet
    Thanks! I don't have a choice because my AC1 sugar level is pre- diabetes so I didn't want to take pills I decided there had to be change. I feel better. I gave up all processed foods and sugar.
  • tipper65
    tipper65 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow good job! I am turning 60 this year and things have really gotten away on me. I hope to take off 50 . Do you count calories?