Grad Student looking for Accountabilibuddies

kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Keri & I am a 22 year old grad student. I have been using Weight Watchers on and off since I was in high school. During that time, I lost 100 lbs, gained about 60 back in college, and now I'm looking to get back in shape. Since I'm paying for grad school myself, spending $20 a month on WW is something I would really like to cut out of my budget if possible, which is why I'm looking to start using this site.

I'm new here and looking for people who are willing to be my support system since I'm away from all my friends and family. Please, add me as a friend or message me! I'd love to have people here who I can offer help to and get help from. :)


  • tritia
    tritia Posts: 13
    I'll add you! :)
  • baddivamama
    baddivamama Posts: 10
    Welcome Keri!
    I've never spent a dime on weight loss plans...only on DVDs, equipment that I use frequently! I've lost 65 pounds total (that was before my journey here began) and have maintained for over a year. My goal now is another 15 'ish' pounds, but not so much the numbers on the scale, but to tone.
    BTW...I'm 37 and work full time, am a full time student and have two sons. If I can do it - YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    Hello Keri!

    My name is Ashley and I'm 24 years old and a graduate student as well! It is tough to work full time, go to school, and take care of myself....will you be my friend!? :smile:
  • SheDaBoss
    SheDaBoss Posts: 3
    I'm new as well. I'll add you and we can hold each other accountable!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    nice south park reference! my name is keri, too!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Hello and welcome!! You'll love this site :) I am a grad student and a teacher. I also did WW over a year ago. I transitioned to this site when I started maintenance...which was last summer. There are a lot of students here and everyone is super supportive! Sending a friend requests your way!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    21 and a grad student! need a lot of accountability myself!!!!!
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a teacher and a former WW! I love this site and have lost more weight using MFP in one month than I did in several months on WW! You'll love this site!
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a teacher and a former WW! I love this site and have lost more weight using MFP in one month than I did in several months on WW! You'll love this site!
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    Welcome! I just joined this site last week and am really excited about it. I too need accountability and support, but I have also learned a lot about what I'm eating. Who knew a banana had sooo much sugar, lol. Wishing you the best of luck and offering support if you want it. We're all in the same boat....let's start rowing :D
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for all the love guys! Can't wait to get to know this site and all ya'll better!
  • celticcateyes
    celticcateyes Posts: 71 Member
    I am a graduate student about to start my fourth year. I should be proposing my dissertation soon...(if things go along on time). About a year ago, after completing my M.A. project, I became very sick. With classes, TAing, traveling and research taking up my time, I had gained excess weight, hit my highest BMI to date, and compromised my own health. I've lost about 25 pounds since then (some here on myfitnesspal), and feel so much better.

    But I am in a rut, and I need to lose about another 30lbs to get into my healthy BMI range.

    I really, really need friends on here for encouragement. I've had friends join along with me, and most have wandered away.
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, our stories sound familiar ( I'm a grad student and doing WW, except I have two kids to add to my list lol) so I would love to help motivate you and keep you accountable! I will add you!
  • crazie01grape
    crazie01grape Posts: 22 Member
    I am a 4th year grad student in SoCal and def looking for some people to help me stay accountable! My friends in school we try but then get equally busy and one of us falls out etc.
  • I'm a grad student going into social work. I've been going non stop for 18 months and still have more to go while working full time. it keeps me busy and the snacking is no where near as healthy as it needs to be so that's how I found myself here. I too need accountable people. I'll friend you!
  • kmmille385
    kmmille385 Posts: 11 Member
    I would also like support! I am a full time grad student with a part time job on campus and doing two internships.
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    I'll add you! I need as many accountabilibuddies as I can get :) I also did WW for a while and I like this site better AND it free! You can't beat it!! Welcome :) OH...I am a student too btw!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Literally LOL'ed at the South Park reference - friend request coming your way, I could always use a friend with a sense of humor!
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