Is anyone else losing weight in the hopes of getting pregnan



  • sneaky_teaky
    sneaky_teaky Posts: 30 Member
    Yes! My husband and I have been together for five full years and are part way through year six together. Before we were married we talked about our future wants to make sure we both wanted the same thing, and we did. We wanted to get a house, make it ours and travel before having children. Now here we are years later, still working on our house, and still making plans to travel. BUT, my husband turns 30 this year and we started looking at what we have done and what we want for our future. In that discussion we decided this was the year we would would start trying for a family. Also in that discussion came up my weight and the difficulties our mothers had with us due to their weight. Momentarily I was crushed, thinking about how my bad choices would have negative effects on my children. But then it became the inspiration I needed to lose weight.(my mantra now is "what do I want more, this food or a healthy baby?") During our time together I have put on more weight than I would like to admit, and have given half hearted attempts to lose before. Now I have a solid goal and deadline. I aim to get get myself into a healthy BMI range by the end of the summer so we can start trying in the fall. I don't want it to stop there, I want to continue to be healthy through and after my pregnancy. I plan on talking to my doctor during my yearly to see what they suggest and to review what I have done so far. Currently I am 25 pounds down with 41 to go before I hit the top of the healthy BMI range for my age/height.

    We can do this!