Hi! New to My Fitness Pal

Hi everyone,

My name is Nicky and I am brand new to My Fitness Pal. Actually, I made an account a while back but didn't really stick with it. I have gained about 20 pounds in the past year due to some anti-depressants I took. I am now freshly off of those awful meds and ready to lose some weight and feel good about myself again!!

I look forward to hearing some success stories and possibly find some people dealing with anti-depressant related weight gain and hear their stories too.


  • crinn40
    crinn40 Posts: 5 Member

    I too had weight gain due to an anti-depressant and am also trying this site to help keep me on track. Good luck!!:smile:
  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome, much success on everything!!!
  • jam472719
    jam472719 Posts: 7
    Yes!! I had the same issues with the antidepressants. I quit taking them last fall and most of the weight I have lost since then I attribute to not taking those awful meds anymore. I have also made some other positive changes that have allowed me to keep working towards my goal. Welcome back and good luck! I just started this up again today too. :)
  • MoniDoug73
    MoniDoug73 Posts: 16
    Welcome! I am new to this as well, I'm really glad you are off those awful meds...good luck in your endeavors!

  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    Welcome Nicky! :0)
  • dennypup
    dennypup Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome! I didn't take meds but I attribute much of my weight gain to a chronic depression I suffered with for years. Eating healthy contributes to my emotional health immensely and I'm getting there slowly but surely! I'd like to cheer you on in your journey! Sending you a friend request.
  • NikNik21
    NikNik21 Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for the support!