mbowman323 challnage Week 4 weigh in

mbowman323 Posts: 216
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hey all :) How did this week go for everyone?? Lol mine has well, been life changing. For all that you may not know I am now pregnant. This weeks mini challange I sucked at lol. I have been sick and feeling like crud.

This weeks mini challange is to write a blog entry on 10 things you do like about your self physically.

So you all should know the drill by now.

Sign in number
Starting weight
Weight loss
The picture
I have lost ___lbs this week
I only have ____lbs to go!
I did_____on the mini challange.


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Congrats on the baby ... Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow!
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    Starting weight: 172.4
    Last weigh in" 171.7
    Weight 171.5
    I have lost .2 lbs this week
    I only have _19.1_lbs to go!
    I did bad on the mini challange....i dont even remember what it was...
  • travishein
    travishein Posts: 78
    Sign in number: 76
    SN: travishein
    Starting weight: 245
    Weight loss: 9.6 lbs
    I have lost 5.6 lbs this week
    I only have 10.4 lbs to go!
    I did OK on the mini challange. Several days I did the ten minutes more exercise thing.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Number : 80
    UN: SarahWrittenThin
    Starting Weight: 287
    Previous Weight: 283
    Current Weight: 282
    I lost 1 pound this week :( But I lost 2.5 inches from my waist, 1 inch from each arm and 1 inch from my hips. Supposedly I'm getting muscle...
    I only have 15 more pounds to go until the goal!
    I did kick *kitten* on this weeks challenge! over 7500 calories burned!
  • 79
    Vanessa Faulkner
    Starting weight for this challenge 148.8lbs
    Today's weight 140.0lbs


    I have lost 5 lbs this week
    I only have 11.2 lbs to go!
    I did really well, I burned over 3500 calories for the week on the mini challange.
  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    Number : 28
    UN: JMarshMan
    Starting Weight: 238
    Previous Weight: 231
    Current Weight: 226
    I lost 5 pounds this week! Holy cow -- managing my "intake" matters so much more than I understood, and getting those longer sessions of exercise is just a HUGE bonus.
    I only have 8 more pounds to go until the goal! (for June 22) and 27 to reach my goal weight. (I'm almost 1/3 of the way there!).
    Getting there
  • jules_02
    jules_02 Posts: 46 Member
    Current weight: 156.0
    I gained a few :( (Out of town eating did not go well)
    I have ~22 lbs to go
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    61 Raven5287

    Previous weight- 135

    This weeks weight- 133

    I did very well with the challenge

    I have 3 more lbs to go!

    I dont know about writing a blog about 10 things I like about myself cause I havent quite figured out the blog part!!!

    I have come along way in a short time and Im actually quite happy with where I am... Im not so worried about losing weight now as I am toning up and staying fit. I didnt expect to lose so much weight so fast.... kind of want to stay where I am for awhile and maybe gain some more muscle mass.... I love my MFP friends and the support along the way. Deffinatly want to keep it up and keep track... Wish I knew about it when I was pregnant!!

  • 57gemini
    57gemini Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on the new baby!

    Sign in number : 2
    MFP SN : 57gemini
    Starting weight : 148 (?) don't member
    Weight loss : 146.6

    With all the volleyball I played this freakin weekend, I gained 1.60 pounds instead of losing. I was at 145 on Saturday, wth!? :)
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Congrats on the baby:)

    # 8
    Start weight on mfp 187lbs
    current weight 173
    I lost 2.2 lbs - I only have 11 lbs to go
    I did ok on this week's mini challenge
  • #13
    2.8 lbs lost


    I only have 16.9 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I did AMAZING on the mini challange.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Starting weight -220
    Current weight-215.8
    Weight loss since last week- 0.9lbs
    The picture <will add later>
    I have lost 0.9lbs this week
    I only have 15.8 lbs to go!
    I did AMAZING on the mini challange.
  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm getting mixed up with my weigh ins,but I think I have lost 2 lbs since my last weigh in.
    I weigh 141.0 lbs now.
    I have no idea how much more I have to lose b/c I can't remember where I started 4 weeks ago!! Losing my mind tonight :)
    I took it easy this week on exercising b/c of my back injury. I did get in a few yoga sessions and a couple rounds of boxing.
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    Starting Weight on MFP-185
    Current Weight-Still 171.4 (I've hit a plateau and obviously need to change it up a little)!!!
    Lostn14lbs since starting MFP; however, I have not loss any weight since starting this challenge!
    I still have 20lbs to go!
    I did awesome on the challenge and doubled my workout time from 30 minutes to 1 hour! My diet hasn't been as well though.

    Here's my pic (my feet look like I'm retaining water again :ohwell: )

  • 70
    Lost 0.00
    Current weight 160.6
    I have 17 pounds to go
    Same as last week. No change. :(
  • john9795
    john9795 Posts: 21
    Starting weight 226.6
    Weight loss 7.4 pounds

    I lost 1.4 pounds this week
    I have 13.6 pounds to go
    I didn't do the mini challenge.
  • myranda2888
    myranda2888 Posts: 69 Member
    Sign in number: 55
    MFP SN: Myranda2888
    Starting weight: 222
    last weeks weight: 215.3
    CW: 212.3
    Weight loss: 10 lbs
    The picture :Once again will have to follow late, due to my hunnie forgetting my charger during the move. Will be in tomorrow.
    I have lost __3_lbs this week
    I only have __10__lbs to go!
    I did wonderful on the mini challenge, in fact added 30 extra in each day instead. And have officially fallen in love with my elliptical all over again! XD
  • Sign In: #67
    MFP SN: sofabolousx3
    Previous weight: 124.4 lbs


    Weight loss: -4 lbs
    Total loss: -10.4 lbs
    I only have 9.6 more pounds to lose to meet this goal!!
    I am pleasantly surprised at my weight loss due to the fact that i got in NO exercise at all. but i'm back this week and i'm ready for the challenge.
  • Katmela
    Katmela Posts: 21 Member
    Melissa, congratulations on the baby! That is so wonderful!

    Last week's weight: 186.8 lbs
    Current weight: 185.4 lbs
    I have lost 1.4 lbs this week :( Graduation parties and a 1200 calorie diet do not mix!
    I only have 12.4 lbs to go!
    I did just okay on the mini challenge.
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    You guys are doing great!!! I am so proud of everyone!
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