Maintain weight

hey there
Over the last four months I've lost just about 4 stone and am now happy with my weight and size. I'm Currently between 140-142 pounds and am now starting to increase calorie intake to help me maintain my weight as opposed to keep losing it. My fitness pal suggests 2290 cals to maintain a 140 pound weight.

I'm 20 years of age and 5ft 9
Lightly active lift style work 5 days a week in a cafe and gym 1-2 times s week ( not sure if that's active or moderately) but does this calorie intake sound right to maintain? Similar maintenance calculators ha e suggested between 2150-2260 is this about right? If I went over by say 50-100 cal would I put on weight? Or is it best to stick closer to the 2100 cal intake?

Thanks for your help!


  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    If you're aiming for a TDEE approach, as opposed to logging exercise to increase your calories, it sounds about right. If you keep losing keep upping your calories every couple of weeks until you stop. At 30 and ~145 pounds I usually eat a total of 2000-2300 with a desk job plus daily exercise including weight training and moderate cardio 4 days a week at the gym and light walking or cycling the off days.
  • BradleyGarrathy
    BradleyGarrathy Posts: 3 Member
    Okay sounds good! I've just started this last couple of days so will keep track of weight and can adjust from there! Where I'm at work in a cafe I can burn 300-400 cal a day from walking then plus anything else.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    MFP is suggesting 2290 + exercise calories.
    Your gym isn't part of MFP's activity setting.

    Other calculators work differently and include your planned exercise - know your tools or you will get confused,