Been overweight for too long

Would love to clothes shop without the anxiety of finding something that looks non frumpy and whether it'll fit. I didn't realise how many calories i consume as I'm a picker instead of full meals doing this app has been an eye opener thanx


  • wrenna21
    wrenna21 Posts: 15 Member
  • Thaton
    Thaton Posts: 12 Member
    I feel you!! I just want to wear a crop top in this life time :smile:
  • Summer is rapidly approaching and at 17 stone fitting in my dress is looking doubtful and i don't fancy being the fat one again in the wedding photo's this year. I need to lose 3 and half stone for this outfit and refuse to buy a bigger one lol, this is by end of July although not impossible, i need to find the time to exercise also. I lost 2 stone in 9 weeks by october last year on a no carb or dairy plan but put it back on really quickly plus extra. So maybe this will work and be more sustainable for me. Thank u for your replies and welcomes. Am here if anyone wants a chat