Why am I gaining weight?

At first I was losing, but now I seem to be gaining all the weight I lost right back. For the last 3 days, the scales have shown the same weight - which was more than I weighed last week. (I don't typically weigh everyday, but after seeing the weight gain, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a normal fluctuation.) I have carefully counted and measured everything I have eaten. I have done my best to exercise. Yesterday, I didn't eat like I should because I was on the road all day. I also have finished filling out today's diary because I haven't decided on dinner yet. However, I'm so careful about recording everything I eat. It's getting frustrating.


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    How much have you gained?

    If you're starting a new workout or something, water retention and gain is normal.

    If not, you could be eating more than you're burning.
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    I've gained 3lbs back, and this has shown up consistently for the past 3 days on the scale. I haven't started a new workout. Mostly, I'm just walking. I would do more, but I have a large hernia on my right side. The nurse said the hole in my abdominal wall was the size of a grapefruit, but the surgeon is on vacation. I wear an abdominal brace when I move to keep it from growing. I might try and do a bit more, but I have to be very careful.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yeah, I've been on my period for 11 days now. Every time I think I'm stopped, I start again. I'm calling the doctor on Monday about it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Probably that then
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited April 2015
    PLEASE see your doctor. That's how my ectopic pregnancy started, which nearly killed me. Don't call, go see. Today if possible.
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    I got a kidney transplant back August 29th, so I am on a lot of meds, but the doctors are after me to lose weight. I went to my surgeon week before last to look at the large knot on my side, and he said I was too fat for him to see anything. Turns out the CAT scan revealed this massive hernia, but he went on vacation.
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    Trust me, I'm not pregnant. Other than the fact I've been told I can't have children, it would take another person to get pregnant.
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    *sigh* I guess I'll just keep trying. I know 3 lbs doesn't sound like much, but I had only lost 10, and it's frustrating to watch yourself gain 1/3 of the weight you've lost right back.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Lady_Grell wrote: »
    *sigh* I guess I'll just keep trying. I know 3 lbs doesn't sound like much, but I had only lost 10, and it's frustrating to watch yourself gain 1/3 of the weight you've lost right back.

    What's the alternative? I don't mean to sound harsh but giving up definitely won't get you to your goal!
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    You're not harsh, and you're right. I'm just feeling a little defeated at the moment. It's like nothing I do seems to work, but I AM going to keep at it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Water retention, time of month, natural fluctuation. Not long enough so keep doing what you are doing and you seem to have double checked (smart) your logging which is all you can do. I fluctuate about 4lbs a day.

    Chill out and be frustrated or down is pointless, just be calm and wait. When it happens to me I follow the advice above and probably work even harder at the gym.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Lady_Grell wrote: »
    *sigh* I guess I'll just keep trying. I know 3 lbs doesn't sound like much, but I had only lost 10, and it's frustrating to watch yourself gain 1/3 of the weight you've lost right back.

    No, I get it, 3 lbs can mean a lot to some people. It does to me. But the upside is you can lose that weight as quickly as you gained it. It won't take much to shift it, especially if it's water weight.
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    You are retaining water, maybe because you are on your period or maybe because of your health problems. Don't worry about it, as long as you are still doing the right things your body fat is still decreasing and eventually you will see it again. Last month I gained 5 lbs for a week just because I spent a couple of days visiting friends and eating salty restaurant food... it is very frustrating when it happens but just keep pushing through.
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    Also, your doctor sounds truly terrible, is there any way you can change to someone else?
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    Sadly, I can't change my doctor. Where I had the transplant, no other doctor dares to try surgery - especially since this hernia is right under my incision. This isn't the first time he's talked to me like this. Doesn't he realize how hard it is to lose weight when you're on steroids, other medicines that cause weight gain, have an underactive thyroid and have to push to do any exercise because your guts feel like they're falling out? He claimed to not be able to see the hernia and said I had just gained weight. It's amazing I can gain weight on one side of my body in a ridge shaped like a football. I should (hopefully) hear back tomorrow about the surgery, but I know he'll tell me I need to lose weight first.
  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    Oh, and I wouldn't doubt that it might be salt. I did eat more than I should the other day. I hadn't thought about it until now. Like I said, it was just depressing.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Don't weigh daily unless you can handle the fluctuations. I can easily go up or down 3 lbs in a day or two. It all depends on what you eat, how much you drink, exercise, and so many other factors. If you want to weigh daily, either keep a spreadsheet or use an app that averages out your weigh ins or charts them so you can see that you're heading in the right direction. I do agree with the above posters - go see another doctor. This guy sounds like a quack. There's a huge difference between gaining weight and a hernia!
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    It sounds like your hormones are messing with you. Combined with the travel yesterday, it might take a little longer than normal for your weight to go back down. Don't sweat it! If you're doing everything right, you'll see the numbers drop back down again.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    I agree with not weighing daily. I was at 116kg one day... was down to 109kg two weeks later. started my period, by close to the end of the period I was at 115.5, that was friday. yesterday I was down to 113.5. Did I lose 4.5 pounds in 2 days. not likely. water weight. I am sure I didn't lose 15 pounds in two weeks either. It's a roller coaster, once a week is plenty! It will be fine, but see the doctor about that super long period!.