Needing Motivation

Raylynn87 Posts: 12 Member
Hi everyone. I've been reading different posts about people's exercise routines. While I am happy for how well so many people are doing, I can't help but feel down about what I'm doing. I'm doing well on the diet part, but I'm not exercising at all. I try to go on walks, but I really hate walking by myself. I guess I'm just looking for friends on here. Would be especially nice to find people who are going through the same thing I am (I pretty much feel like I'm the only one on this site who's not really working out). Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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  • cmaurer4
    cmaurer4 Posts: 33 Member
    You are not alone! I also feel as though I'm doing well by eating healthy, but I work 50 hours a week, I'm in grad school, and I have a photography business on the side. Until I'm done with school, I feel like I have zero time to exercise! I have made a teeny tiny goal to try and exercise ONE day a week of cardio, and then I try to do a 20 minute walk on by lunch break 2 days a week.

    Maybe try and find a walking buddy to keep you company? Also, that is a good way to hold you accountable too.

    Good luck!
  • carl_garcia
    carl_garcia Posts: 26 Member
    Dont stress yourself out too much.. you are doing great! I just had surger on my achilles tendons so my working out is almost zero.
    Im having to rely so much on my diet alone. But I know that as the weight comes off and I heal.... Ill be a bit more motivated to work out. Ive started using rubber bands to do work out a bit when Im doing homework or watching tv.
    Baby steps.
    hang in there :)
  • Raylynn87
    Raylynn87 Posts: 12 Member
    You are not alone! I also feel as though I'm doing well by eating healthy, but I work 50 hours a week, I'm in grad school, and I have a photography business on the side. Until I'm done with school, I feel like I have zero time to exercise! I have made a teeny tiny goal to try and exercise ONE day a week of cardio, and then I try to do a 20 minute walk on by lunch break 2 days a week.

    Maybe try and find a walking buddy to keep you company? Also, that is a good way to hold you accountable too.

    Good luck!

    I would love to find a walking buddy on here, but I haven't really found a lot of people in my area....
  • ksweere
    ksweere Posts: 11
    I like to put on good music and wander around town and people works if you live in a city......
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    Yah. Im not so good on the exercising part either... I wish I was but I'm not. I usually walk because my son loves to go for walks but that's about it.. Its hard to get motivated to workout.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Both pieces are tough for me, but I can honestly say that this community has helped a lot. My biggest thing for when I don't feel like getting on the treadmill or bike or whatever, is I tell myself "Just 10 mins..." By the time that 10 mins has come and gone, I'm feeling good, warm, and wanna keep going.

    Having a buddy to go for walks with definitely helps as well. I'll usually grab a coworker or two and try to get out for a walk when I'm feeling sleepy at work or just feel like I need to do a little more. But for the most part, I do my routines on my own. Sometimes the quiet really helps, but on days that I workout with my buddies, it definitely makes a difference.

    Have you talked with any coworkers or friends? Sometimes you'd be surprised at who's willing to take a break and go for a walk. :smile:
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    The exercise part of this whole thing is what I struggle with too.

    I've completed C25K a few months back and ran my first 5K last month, but have yet to be bitten by the running bug. I also have Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and find myself dreading it a lot of the time :(

    Sending you a friend request. Maybe we can cheer each other on!
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    I find the more negative and stressed I feel about myself and my weight loss the less I lose! Try to keep positive and focused.... it works :smile:
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I see you've lost quite a bit of weight already. Kudo's on that part!
    From what I've read, diet is 90% (give or take), of the equation. So if your diet is good, the
    weight will drop.
  • Sonaew
    Sonaew Posts: 6
    you should first be proud of yourself for choosing a healthy life style. it takes time for things to change. is there an activity you enjoy doing? or, a place you enjoy visiting? start doing small things to get your body moving. even projects around the house would be great. anything that will keep you moving. try reaching out to some friends and family about excercising together. good luck! i know you will succeed:flowerforyou:
  • OhSnaps
    OhSnaps Posts: 25
    Both pieces are tough for me, but I can honestly say that this community has helped a lot. My biggest thing for when I don't feel like getting on the treadmill or bike or whatever, is I tell myself "Just 10 mins..." By the time that 10 mins has come and gone, I'm feeling good, warm, and wanna keep going.

    Having a buddy to go for walks with definitely helps as well. I'll usually grab a coworker or two and try to get out for a walk when I'm feeling sleepy at work or just feel like I need to do a little more. But for the most part, I do my routines on my own. Sometimes the quiet really helps, but on days that I workout with my buddies, it definitely makes a difference.

    Have you talked with any coworkers or friends? Sometimes you'd be surprised at who's willing to take a break and go for a walk. :smile:

    You sir, hit the nail in the head! Sometimes all you have to do is walk those first 5 -10 minutes to get going, then you'll find your groove and before you know it you've walked for an hour.

    In the words of Tony Horton, "Show up, do your best, and forget the rest!"

    Even if you can't find a walking buddy close to you, you can always use this community to challenge you. For example, I look at my friend who's also losing weight, and with out him even know it I'm already setting up a challenge in my head on who can lose the most weight the fastest. Just the thought of someone doing better than me keeps me going everyday.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I hate to exercise, thats a big part of what got me into this mess.
    I am lucky that I have a very physical job, I still could work out, and I have belonged to a gym for 2 years now,
    but I have zero zip nada desire to go.
    Its a big deal to walk my sad.
    Hey, maybe you could do that..volunteer to walk dogs at a local rescue? You both would benefit.

    Oh, and youre doing great losing, I see..congrats on that!
  • shannantor
    shannantor Posts: 9
    no worries girl its hard!!!!! Im always ina funk or i will do great for a week then crash back down. you can do it! heck we can do it just gotta keep going!!! good luck!!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Like carl_garcia said... baby steps.

    First, you do what you CAN do.

    For me it was diet (and I've heard folks around here say it's 80% diet 20% exercise)
    I started by making small changes and sticking to them consistently. I kept adding changes when I see them. And MFP has helped me to see them a lot faster. It's been slow and takes patience (honestly, I"m starting to run out :grumble: ) but I've seen progress and keep hearing other's say what a big change it is.
    What I CAN say is after the first 10 lbs I felt a tremendous difference I couldn't get over it. (now I guess I'm getting used to it. :ohwell: )

    So I've known all along that I *should* add more exercise, but I haven't.... YET.
    And I will, but the bottom line is you can't change your whole life over night and expect to stick with it.
    I'm taking steps in the right direction. I get off the train a stop early and walk home when the weather is nice.
    I've joined a gym and don't go as much as I *should*, but on the other hand I go more than I used to...

    If I do what I can for now, later I'll be able to do more.

    Good Luck