Trying to gain weight since ages - a promise

Hello everybody

I think this App is really great and the fact that there is a community, to which you can connect to, makes it even better.

I am writing here to share with you my story and hopefully to motivate you on my journey.

I am Ntemis, 25 years old from Greece living in UK, also a father, a student and an employee - but above all I am a SEDENTARY person. I spent about 10-12 hours a day sitting either in front of a PC or at the desk.

I am 180cm tall and my current weight is 77,7kg. I would be happier if I could reach 83-86kg.

My wife is cooking for me good, healthy food and when you eat healthy staff, its harder to gain weight :) but I know that's not an excuse. I know that I am eating not enough calories and I want to change that.
Also I am training about 3-4 times a week at the gym (each training lasts about 30min) and swimming 1-2 a week (about 5-10min each time).
Recently I started doing hardcore 5-10min non break workouts with freeletics. I do these almost everyday with my wife.
There are days when I also play football in a competitive environment 40-60min. On these days normally it is really hard to keep up with the calories!
But the biggest factor of not eating enough is not thinking about it enough and just being lazy sometimes to enter what you ve just eaten after you ve just eaten and then when you want to enter it, you have forgot what you ve eaten :D

Despite the fact that eating enough calories is challenging for me, I have promised to my wife and now I am promising you that I will be eating at least the minimum amount of calories I need according to MyFitnessPal calculator.
For me it is 2.790 (that's without taking exercise in to account).
Feel free to add me in friends if you wish to support me and hey I ll support you too, as I can!

Would be nice to get generally some feedback on this from you and especially I wish to find some guys that are also in the "bulking" phase, who also find it, or maybe not find it a challenge to eat enough calories.

Thanks for reading!


  • mjfred2
    mjfred2 Posts: 11
    Do powerlifting, eat as much as you can, but health food. I've powerlifted for years, now I'm in the process of loosing my size. Went from 215 lbs to 192 lbs now. Eat big, lift big, you will but on size.
  • andreamaym
    andreamaym Posts: 179 Member
    I used this app to gain 10lbs. I spent a lot of time reading through the forums and learning about fitness. Use these wonderful people as resources! Check out the Gaining Weight and Fitness and Exercise forums :)

    Welcome, and good luck!
  • Gorzoks
    Gorzoks Posts: 7 Member
    thank you guys you are kind!

    @mjfred2 by powerlifting do you mean the Olympic heavy weigh lifting or gym ?
  • mjfred2
    mjfred2 Posts: 11
    Gorzoks wrote: »
    thank you guys you are kind!

    @mjfred2 by powerlifting do you mean the Olympic heavy weigh lifting or gym ?

    Powerlifting - deadlifts, squats, flat bench, clean and snatch(jerk), standing barbell military press.. Are your core movements. Powerlifting is meant for heavy explosive movements. Fyi powerlifting bench and a bodybuilding bench are two different movements. If you want to know more message me, I'd be glad to help.
  • mjfred2
    mjfred2 Posts: 11
    Gorozk- after rereading your post. At you age your metabolism is natural high. Mine didn't drop until I was 32, wish I could have it back... If you really want to put on weight stick with compound movements, no machines, all compound. Eat, eat,eat, and eat. One gram of protien per body pound. Make sure you take in enough carbs before and after your workout, along with protien.