T25 starting March 1?



  • redneck_princess1687
    redneck_princess1687 Posts: 36 Member
    [Thanks! It's been tough but I did it. Also, the entire time I have done the modified version (I am busty and there is no way I can jump that much) so it is still an amazing workout. I kind of felt defeated at the beginning, not being able to do the regular workout but modified rocks body results as well! All I can say, is STICK TO IT! Don't stop! It does work. I also am eating lower carb/higher protein and basing my calories on MFP's suggestions. Also, i try to walk 4km (45 minutes) a night. Some weeks I suck at getting the walking in, but most of the time I do it :)[/quote]

    I am also doing mostly modified. Only on my 3rd day ( tonight will be day 3) and I am loving it. The pain is so worth it lol.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Todays workout was Ab Intervals. I think it was sort of a rest and recovery day to get ready for tomorrow's double workout.
  • AmyTCaldwell
    AmyTCaldwell Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in 3rd week of T-25 it doesn't get any eaiser, just yet anyway,but the good news is I've lost 2 inches and I actually have an oblique, stick with it ladies, don't give up,and be true to yourself,you will get there,its an awesome feeling. Congrats to everyone doing T-25. God bless.:-)
  • varaidzo21
    varaidzo21 Posts: 7 Member
    Did the Ab Interval workout today. Struggled with some of the moves but it's definitely more laid back than the others. Looking forward to tomorrow's double workout. Looks like I'll have to get up earlier than usual.
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    For the double workout day tomorrow....who is doing it back to back? Time in the morning won't allow me to, so my plan is one in the morning and one after the kids go to bed.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    For the double workout day tomorrow....who is doing it back to back? Time in the morning won't allow me to, so my plan is one in the morning and one after the kids go to bed.

    I'm going to be doing both workouts back to back. I figure my muscles will already be warmed up from the first T25 workout so might as well keep going. Should be fun!
  • mjc1409
    mjc1409 Posts: 36 Member
    I started it Monday, I'm loving it! Glad to have found others doing it at the same time, we got this guys!
  • texasleeny
    texasleeny Posts: 4 Member
    I did the double workout back to back this morning. I really struggled with the last half of Cardio. I was just so tired from the Lower Body workout. I might try next week to split them up. One in the morning and one at nap time.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    texasleeny wrote: »
    I did the double workout back to back this morning. I really struggled with the last half of Cardio. I was just so tired from the Lower Body workout. I might try next week to split them up. One in the morning and one at nap time.
    I did both workouts as well. Cardio was first followed by Lower Body. I'm glad to see that the workouts for week 2 are mixed up on different days.
  • varaidzo21
    varaidzo21 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy Week 2 of T25 everyone!

    I struggled more than usual this morning with the cardio. I blame it on having lots of beer, wine and frozen yogurt this weekend! I'm back to healthy eating this week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • varaidzo21
    varaidzo21 Posts: 7 Member
    How's everyone hanging in with week 3? I almost didn't work out this morning, was so sleepy. But I dragged my butt out of bed and gave it 100%.
  • justinenh
    justinenh Posts: 30 Member
    I just started last week, mid-week so only did 3 night. This week will try for the full 5 days. I am going on vacation in 7 weeks & would like to lose a few pounds to fit into warm weather clothes, lol! I'm liking it so far - we'll see come Saturday!