aries1993 Posts: 3 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Courtney Here!! I have Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome. I'm hopeing to find some people that have the same or simular problem I do. Cause of the PCOS I have some serious weight issues and I am finally making a life style change to keep the PCOS in control. Write me a message and we can share our stories, or just keep each other positive in this journey we are all in. Peace & Love Yall!! B):p<3


  • mommydavis88
    mommydavis88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I too have PCOS and I really let things go, I started today on my lifestyle change to get healthier. I know we can do it! 5 years ago I lost 50lbs and got pregnant with my daughter, gained after, then 3 years ago lost 40lbs and got pregnant with my son. Im aiming to lose 65lbs and quit yo yo ing over the years. Good luck to you! Let's share diet and exercise tips?
  • Alligator423
    Alligator423 Posts: 87 Member
    I've got it! Unfortunately my mom who is an OBGYN nurse practitioner figured it out back when I was in hs and didn't tell me (guess she didn't want to stress me out?? grrr). Either way, she did have me go on birth control. When I figured out I had it via the internetz in college, I started going on metformin which I have been on and off since. I do recommend the metformin along with a healthy low-carb ish diet and exercise. I've lost over 40 pounds altogether and have about 40 more to lose. Let's do it together : )
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2012 after my weight started to balloon out of control. No matter what I did I would gain 3-5 pounds per week. My PCOS is accompanied by insulin resistance and high testosterone. Stress doesnt help either. Once I found out, I changed my diet to low carb, low calorie, low GI. I added exercise a few times a week and the weight started coming off. as of the beginning of 2015 I have lost 56 pounds and also had found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately it was MC, but my doctor was stunned I conceived without meds. A blood panel showed that the insulin and testosterone are now in perfect normal range. She credits the healthy lifestyle and weight loss for that.
    Add me if you would like. PCOS can be a pain, but having "cysters" standing by you helps!!
  • clairebear_55
    clairebear_55 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi girls, I am in same boat, was diagnosed last year - after two years of unexplained weight gain, hair loss, terrible monthly cycles. I have always been within healthy weight range but now I'm finding weight loss extremely slow even with exercise. Me and my husband also been ttc for almost a year. Not on any meds or anything for the pcos. I have a holiday on 26th April would love to shed half stone or more. Started back to gym today and done an insanity class, going try to do 4 classes per week. Good luck to Yous all on your healthy journey x
  • JLSheetz84
    JLSheetz84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! I have been battling PCOS for upwards of 10 years now. Until recently my weight was relatively manageable and I had even managed to lose 30lbs. Recently something changed and my weight started ballooning and I gained ALL the weight back in a period of 6 weeks. Talk about frustrating! I'm back at aggressively tracking my diet and activity level and would love to give and get support from you all.