Day one of a very long journey.

Hello everyone. Today marks step one on what I know is going to be possibly the longest and hardest journey of my life. I'm nearly 29 years old and currently 377 lbs so definitely going to be working towards losing well over 200 lbs in the next few years. I'm excited, but still very nervous and could use all the help you can spare. This place seems so positive and friendly, which makes me more hopeful than I've ever been about correcting all the damage I've done over the years. Feel free to friend me if you like!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I am glad that you have accepted that it will be long. Alot of people come here thinking they will be at goal weight in a month and that is usually just not possible. Hard, well I think that all depends on if you set up a reasonable plan that works for you.

    My advice, forget most of what you have heard about dieting. Don't worry about eating at specific times, boosting your metabolism, or cutting out food groups. Set up your plan so you are eating in a way you can see yourself eating for the rest of you life. Set up your plan so you can be happy through this journey and will keep going!

    These two posts cover most of what you need to know to get started successfully so read them when you get a chance:

    And just get started. It will be weird at first, all new things are. You will get better and soon enough it will just feel like another part of your routine.

    Feel free to friend me if you want

    ~Best wishes

  • cloverblossoms
    cloverblossoms Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! Yeah, I'm expecting it to take at least 2 full years and that's if I really stick to it and focus. If I could reach goal weight sometime before I'm 35 that would be amazing to me. I only think it will be hard at first because I have PCOS/Insulin Resistance which just makes the body want to hold onto all of its fat even more than it might usually, BUT I also hear that in some cases weight loss and healthy diet can severely lessen PCOS symptoms and reverse the insulin resistance problem as well, so here's to health all around!

    Thanks so much for the links, the encouragement, and the comment! :)
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    Good luck on your journey im 35 mom of 2 boys looking to lose 50 lbs. If you want add me :) .
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Hello and welcome! You are starting out with the right attitude. There is much to learn on your journey and you will occasionally have set backs and challenges but remember, we all have them and we all can learn something from them.

    A helpful tool is the search function. Many threads are written about the same topics. Searching is a great way to keep some of the regulars from biting your head off. Mostly the people here and friendly and helpful. But if someone rubs you the wrong way, don't take it personally. Sometimes they forget that we've all been new at one time.

    Good luck. You can do this!!
  • SamanthasMFP
    SamanthasMFP Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you! Always keep focused and know we are here rooting you on!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Don't think of it as a long journey, a journey has to end. Think of it as a constant change in lifestyle, something that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
    Do not think of it as I have 200lb to lose, think I have 7lb and then another 7lb and then another 7lb. Psycologically 7lb is easier to get to than 200lb but those 7lb will soon add up.
    Keep a note of your no scale victories and take photos (I have taken them in clothes that are way too tight and put them on for a photo every couple of months), these will boost and motivate you when things get tough.
    Good Luck, you can do this :-) I look forward to seeing your success story in the future :)
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    A helpful tool is the search function. Many threads are written about the same topics. Searching is a great way to keep some of the regulars from biting your head off. Mostly the people here and friendly and helpful. But if someone rubs you the wrong way, don't take it personally. Sometimes they forget that we've all been new at one time.

    I second this... add me as a friend if you like. I won't bite your head off :-)
  • Alibaker16
    Alibaker16 Posts: 5 Member
    The road ahead is long and hard. Its continuous and ongoing you just have to just keep going forward. It's a fight every day and some days you don't want to fight but who else is going to fight for you. Be strong and keep moving
  • cloverblossoms
    cloverblossoms Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! This early encouragement is only boosting the excitement and I appreciate it.
  • ashliejoy
    ashliejoy Posts: 4 Member
    Cheers to your new lifestyle! I'm 23 and have been sluggishly hacking away at this thing called extra weight... it's hard for me to stay motivated. I'm really trying to keep things interesting this time around, and not being extremely strict with myself (this is what leads my stubborn self to quit eventually). I know that this can be done, though! Your goals are ambitious, but also achievable. Don't quit! It sucks when you start and stop so so so often, like I have.

    The only thing I do know is WATER IS AWESOME. Drink it all the time. :smile:
  • jessthemermaid1
    jessthemermaid1 Posts: 4 Member
    My first day here too. This will be a long journey but oh so worth it. Everyone can add me as a friend if you wish. I would love to have motivational people on my dash all day. We can do it!
  • JessT1299
    JessT1299 Posts: 25 Member
    My first day as well! I'm looking to lose +(-) 165 lbs. Add me if you would like, I need the motivation and encouragement has well. This will be a hard, but REWARDING challenge! :smile:
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    Add me if you want support :) I've been here a while but spent a lot of time focusing my efforts on other aspects of my health so I'm back at my starting point.