Loose skin - 5 months on

dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
I wanted to post this because I see a lot of nervous MFPers in the Weight Loss boards asking about loose skin and surgery, and I wanted to reassure.

I never worried about the downside of weight loss, because I was purely motivated to lose by my health. I've never cared particularly about my physical appearance (that hasn't changed, which is why I don't have any photos. It just never enters my head to take them TBH) so I wasn't worried about loose skin, specifically.

I lost 65-70 lbs (it varies because that's maintenance and it's all about a range) between Jan 22 2014 and the beginning of October 2014. I'm 5'2.5", so that worked out at about 1/3 of my total body weight lost in about 9 months (down to 120-125). Yes, yes, it was quick, but it was highly motivating to lose that quickly, and it worked for me (no, I wasn't deprived, yes, I hit my macros, no, I didn't faint, no, I didn't experience any rapid reversal in weight loss after hitting target etc. etc.).

At the end of that, I had a bit of loose skin. Mainly on my stomach (although, let's face it, a lot of that was from being pregnant 8 years before), but also on my thighs, and under my arms. I also had a bit of a turkey-neck.

5 months on and it's essentially all tightened up, apart from some on my stomach (again, thank you DD!). I didn't do anything special. No creams, no special diet or anything. I started working out (joining a gym was my reward for reaching my target), but so far my workouts consist of using the weight machines rather than compound lifts and cardio (which I honestly prefer to weights). My body has just adapted to the new size and adjusted itself.

I'm not suggesting that everyone will experience this, but I'm 42 and honestly didn't look after myself, so I just wanted to reassure those who haven't reached target that it's perfectly possible your body will also adapt.

So, in other words, don't spend energy or time worrying about something which might never happen, just focus on sticking with your plan, keep your eyes on the prize and go for it!


  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Thank you for sharing this. It is good to know. I have about 90 lbs to lose and while I'm not a spring chicken at 45 years old, I was sad at the thought of the possibility of all that flab. This gives me some hope, lol
  • pythonesk
    pythonesk Posts: 20 Member
    I think it's mostly genetics + age whether someone will, or won't, have sagging skin after a large weight loss.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Glad you brought it up. At ninety pounds down (and also chiefly motivated by health), I do have some interesting flabby bits. But so far it is tolerable. I, too, have tightened up a little. I don't think I'll go for surgery.

    Hubby has suggested I take up some triceps exercises for my upper arms. I think it's the triceps.

    For fun and giggles in the hot tub, wave your flabby thighs in front of the jets and watch them jiggle.
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    I have been really scared about loose skin. Thank you for this.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited March 2015
    I also am glad to read this. I have lost 43 pounds over 4 years. Yes, very slowly! I have not been too concerned about loose skin, but now with MFP I am losing a bit more quickly, about 2 pounds a month. I do have at least 50 pounds more to lose and wondered if I lost that if I had to worry about a big loose tummy getting bigger and looser. But I am a "gym rat" or I would not be losing at all, so I know I can consult a trainer along the way and thought that advice might be helpful for this issue.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Well said, especially the last paragraph. Congratulations on your weight loss.
  • rumtussle
    rumtussle Posts: 8 Member
    Very helpful.
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for this encouraging post. I see a lot of people worried about this and it has entered my mind. Really appreciate the time you took to post it.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Thanks. I'm sure I'll have some, but it's so hard to tell how much!
  • Mividaloca14
    Mividaloca14 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks that really helps! I just started and I was all kinds of thing running around in my head...one less thing to think about. Thank you.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Ok I don't really know what is wrong with me today and I can't believe I'm about to do this.

    Firstly my biggest fear a about losing weight was loose skin, I've had 3 kids, with my last one being 11lbs 1oz so my stomach wasn't pretty, I put off losing weight for years but turning 40 made me decide to lose weight or to stop moaning about it, so I started losing it, had a few ups and downs but I got to a weight I was happy with but I was so jiggly, I was and I suppose still am skinny fat. About 6 months ago I started trying things out, dumbell workouts and yoga mainly which I liked but couldn't commit to doing.

    30 days ago I tried the 30 day shred, today I completed day 30, I found something I liked and could see myself getting benefits from, now Jillian goes on about abs and I never thought I'd get anywhere near having them, they didn't matter as no one sees my belly, today I took a picture of this belly, now I'm not suddenly going to get a stash of bikinis and crop tops but I'm so happy with what I saw in the mirror today that I'm going to share it with you and hopefully show you you can have something that you can live with and even feel a little bit proud of.

    At my heaviest I was 233lbs and my last weigh in was 148lbs with a goal bracket of 133-136lbs.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
  • p444cod41
    p444cod41 Posts: 144 Member
    Tracey you look great !
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    p444cod41 wrote: »
    Tracey you look great !
    That was my slight moment of madness
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