looking for friends to keep me on track

Hello all! I have been a MFP member for years but never utilized the community aspects of the website. After gaining almost 20 pounds this past year, I'm suddenly very aware that what I'm doing is not working and hope that being a more active member of this community will help keep me on track!

I've been overweight my entire life and I just keep gradually (and sometimes quickly) gaining weight. I eat when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm bored, when I'm anxious, etc and I need to find a more healthy relationship with food. I feel like I have all the information I need to succeed, but I just can't seem to stick with it long term. I'm looking to lose 60-70 pounds, which sounds like an impossible task. Looking for friends who are going through this too (or who have succeeded) to help guide me. Please add me!


  • Rahelwiebe
    Rahelwiebe Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same place. Right now I'm watching what I eat Mon-Fri, then relax Sat and Sun. Down about 5 lbs in a few weeks doing this...
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    I am just getting serious too. My goal is 70lbs.
  • egwake13
    egwake13 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks! added you both
  • Hi egwake....if we both push and pull one another I'd like to partake. I had that get serious moment today. Signing up with WW again this week to keep it real and accountable. Goal is 50ish lbs. Are you ladies all professional dieters like myself? Done it all and should know better after a lifetime of practice! Mindless vs. mindful food choices . I'm longing for more energy and less worry about my health.
  • Oh ...you can do this...set up non scale goals besides lbs. A few I choose were, crossing my legs comfortably, tucking my shirt in, making friends with a belt! I DID achieve goal weight but let my focus fade and blur in maintaining. It was amazing...and I know I can do this(again) if I/We keep our patience, faith and focus on making healthy choices that support our goals.