Back pain during workout

Does anyone else experience lower back pain during an exercise? If so, how do you decide when you stop working out through the pain. Idk if its hurting bc my body is rusty or if its really hurting.


  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days.

    Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I dont take chances. Id stop to see if the pain goes away after several days. The danger is making it wirse and a serious injury. If the pain doesnt go away then you need to see your Dr.

    Agree with what aday said above that correcct form is essential. have a think when and how you got the injury and also listen to your body, its instinct that you know when you have an injury and when its serious.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Well I was doing dead lifts today and I felt like my
    adaybetter wrote: »
    What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days.

    Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back

    Well I was doing dead lifts today and my lower back started killing me. When I went to so my squat reps I could barely bring myself up. I didn't know when to stop bc I felt like I may have just been rusty. But the pain was hurting so bad that I didn't know if I was actually in pain.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    I dont take chances. Id stop to see if the pain goes away after several days. The danger is making it wirse and a serious injury. If the pain doesnt go away then you need to see your Dr.

    Agree with what aday said above that correcct form is essential. have a think when and how you got the injury and also listen to your body, its instinct that you know when you have an injury and when its serious.

    Thank you! And the pain doesn't last long. Only in the middle of & 5 minutes after I finish working out does it start to hurt.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well I was doing dead lifts today and I felt like my
    adaybetter wrote: »
    What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days.

    Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back

    Well I was doing dead lifts today and my lower back started killing me. When I went to so my squat reps I could barely bring myself up. I didn't know when to stop bc I felt like I may have just been rusty. But the pain was hurting so bad that I didn't know if I was actually in pain.

    The pain was hurting so bad you didn't know if you were actually in pain?

    You have to be careful with dead lifts. Though they work your back, if you're not using the right form you can screw it up. Does it feel like DOMS, or did you literally hurt it while you were dead lifting today? Does it feel tweaked?
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Lifting should not cause actual pain. Dead lifts should actually be first practiced with no weight as they can be done wrong so easily. It usually hurts when ur form is wrong.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Well I was doing dead lifts today and I felt like my
    adaybetter wrote: »
    What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days.

    Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back

    Well I was doing dead lifts today and my lower back started killing me. When I went to so my squat reps I could barely bring myself up. I didn't know when to stop bc I felt like I may have just been rusty. But the pain was hurting so bad that I didn't know if I was actually in pain.

    You're using too much weight. Also your pudding diet isnt fuelling your workouts so you're running the risk of injury that way too.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well I was doing dead lifts today and I felt like my
    adaybetter wrote: »
    What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days.

    Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back

    Well I was doing dead lifts today and my lower back started killing me. When I went to so my squat reps I could barely bring myself up. I didn't know when to stop bc I felt like I may have just been rusty. But the pain was hurting so bad that I didn't know if I was actually in pain.

    You're using too much weight. Also your pudding diet isnt fuelling your workouts so you're running the risk of injury that way too.

    And this. Have you started eating yet?
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Im not saying this to pick on u but if u are still doing THAT diet its is not going to fuel this kind of workout. Honestly. Its recommended if u for whatever reason chose to do such a low calorie diet and not eat back exercise calories u really shouldnt work out at all. Maybe walk. U could end up passing out or worse
  • lemonblossom
    lemonblossom Posts: 17 Member
    I have back problems and trust me you DO NOT want to make it worse. I was hard headed and didn't listen to my body, now I have a bulging disk and compressed nerve that caused sciatica. Maybe you should see a chiropractor that helps me. Just make sure he does x-rays first and has a comic table for stretching if you need it. Good luck
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    If your lower back is in that much pain from deadlifting you could have a problem with your form that could cause serious injury. I have a history of herniated/bulging disc, and I worked with a trainer very carefully to make sure my form was correct and experienced no back pain when lifting.
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    My guess is you might have a weak back muscle...maybe that's why it was in pain. Anyway, the best way is to go see a doctor...
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Lots of things can go wrong in your lower back. Pulled muscles, plus you have the SI joins with lots of small moving parts where your hips join your spine...and then there's the spine itself. Don't mess with your back. Play it safe. Take a few days off, and don't lift again until you can do so without actual pain. You should be able to easily tell the difference between pain and muscle soreness. Soreness is fine, pain is not.

    Review form, make sure you're doing it correctly, and if you still hurt after resting, backing off the weight and using the right form, then make a doctor's appointment.

    Seriously. Don't take chances with your back. You can seriously hurt your mobility for life.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    I dont take chances. Id stop to see if the pain goes away after several days. The danger is making it wirse and a serious injury. If the pain doesnt go away then you need to see your Dr.

    Agree with what aday said above that correcct form is essential. have a think when and how you got the injury and also listen to your body, its instinct that you know when you have an injury and when its serious.

    Thank you! And the pain doesn't last long. Only in the middle of & 5 minutes after I finish working out does it start to hurt.

    If it's from deadlifts or squats - bad form, weak core, or both. Your lumbar should remain neutral during the entire lift.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Correct your form

    Do you do warm up sets first with no/ little weight?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Lower the weight a lot, and correct your form. Deadlifts causing pain = bad form.