To my daughter Pics

I do this for my little girl. She is 14 months, the love of my life. She stands at 30 inches and 21lbs. Already my family has "joked" how she can really pack the food in and has chubby cheeks. Normally comments like this don't bother me but my family tormented me on my weight since I was little, and they were the ones feeding me! Coming from my dad who is obese and has heart problems commenting how "I don't need that ring ding (said to me after I hadn't eaten in 2 days due to food poisoning)" or my skinny mother (weight 110 soaking wet 5'2") stating how she has a belly and needs to lose weight . I was 5'0 at 125 and still heard those comments. And as I got a lil older I kept gaining top weight 154, and then I got pregnant with my bf (now husband) daughter, gaining a good 45 lbs, and repetitively being told (to this day) how big my belly was , like I didn't know, how my mom questioned was I really having one, every time we talked. And still comments on my stretxhmarks , emily I do this for you , gettig healthy so I can play with you and your sister, so I won't have to go on thyroid medicine, and so if something happens to daddy , mommy will be here so you won't have to worry about her health. I promise I'll never question your weight, and if u do receive our curse I'll be with you eating those apple chips and walking those parks to keep ourselves in check. I'll never bounce on your insecurities to make myself look like my life is worse when it isn't. I will comfort you and teach you how to alter your ways to a healthier path. Something my family told me to "just cut meals in half" instead of teaching me how to use portions to my advantage and how to read labels and serving sizes. You already are on the path to a very healthy life . Don't let anyone bring u down little girl. Mommy and daddy love you very much, skinny, chunky , just know you hold the key to making yourself happy. 385nh79fwvic.jpg
