Happy Birthday-you have PCOS.

was jut diagnosed with PCOS 2 weeks before my 28th birthday. my husband & I lost our baby due to an ectopic pregnancy last Feb (emergency surgery, post partum, depression...) & find out that I developed PCOS sometime after the ectopic. Overwhelmed with information on the web about PCOS & how I should be eating in order to lose weight & get pregnant. Any other ladies out there with PCOS & success stories of weight loss &/or getting pregnant...I'd love advice, encouragement & to be friends on here. Determined to get pregnant again but also to drop 60lbs!


  • shezza4mobee
    shezza4mobee Posts: 250 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm really sorry to hear about your loss and the ordeal you've been going through. I just wanted to say that. I have PCOS as well, but developed it after my pregnancies. So in those terms, I'd be no help. But just wanted to give you my encouragement. I actually had trouble conceiving with my daughter (pre-PCOS symptoms which after my pregnancy led to the official diagnosis), and quit smoking (yes, BAD habit) and eating better, just in terms of balancing carbs, protein, sugar and cutting a lot of fat. We started trying, and 6 months later, I was pregnant. So don't give up hope, as some part of the issue is the weight. But, with the diagnosis, weight loss is also a bit more difficult. Good luck! :)
  • lesabry
    lesabry Posts: 17 Member
    I too have PCOS and suffered 4 miscarriages BUT.... I have in now a 2 year old running around :)) I was 12st 10 when I fell pregnant so don't let them dishearten u with stories however I have altogether lost 2stone 13pounds and had a ultras can recently to be told my PCOS has gone??? Strange I know but apparently it can happen :)) x this app is brilliant for weightloss abd have found it so easy goid luck on ur journey :))) x
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I was diagnosed PCOS about 5 yrs ago ..I was having heavy periods every two weeks. I was put on bcp to control this. I wasn't really overweight but still needed to lose.

    Two years later I wanted to try for a baby. My obgyn recommended that I buy ovulation kits and try for 6-8 months naturally. If no success, he would have medically intervene. Luckily I conceived within 7 months after I decided to quit trying (it was stressful for me every month trying with no success). I have a almost 4 yo son.

    Low carb works better for those who have PCOS. I was never strict on it but did cut back on breads, pastas ...there are so many options out there now. Still would recommend counting calories and workout for a healthy lifestyle. I actually maintained my workout up to my final trimester with some adjustments (lower impact)

  • katelynpfawcett
    katelynpfawcett Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies!!! I am taking 2,000mg of metformin a day to help regulate my very irregular heavy periods (but thankfully do occur every month) & my obgyn told me to take an ovulation kit every single day for the next 4mos- we don't know if I'm even ovulating. After 4mos on this medication + ovulation kits I'm seeing her again to possibly begin clomid for fertility. I'm doing my best to stir clear of carbs & if I do have carbs it's whole wheat.