Does Carbonated water count?

I am a soda fanatic, I drink upward of 6 cans of full on pepsi a day (I know, I know trust me). Yesterday I found a carbonated water source Bai5 in multiple flavors with 0 calories, I figured I would switch over as I try to ween my self off and kick this soda addiction until I can eventually drink plane water 100% of the time. But i am curious is Carbonated water just as bad as soda, or is it just what it says "water" that I can drink as part of my 8+ glasses a day?


  • jamie_reynolds
    jamie_reynolds Posts: 67 Member
    i think drinking carbonated water is a great step in weening yourself off from your soda addiction. as long as there aren't artificial sweeteners or colors, i think you can count it as part of your 8 glasses of water a day. Carbonation may make you a little more bloated, but calorically, it is the same as regular water. La Croix makes wonderful flavors of carbonated water without artificial stuff.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    It's just water. Drink all you want.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I drink unsweetened flavored carbonated water and don't miss my former Diet Coke addiction at all. Yes, fizzy water is water. I prefer the kind that doesn't have any sweeteners in it but it is a little harder to find.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    All water counts for hydration, even your full-on sugar Pepsi. You can count it all. Sure, wean yourself off sugar Pepsi if you like, and even learn to like plain water. I prefer plain water in the dead heat of summer but the rest of the time I like it flavoured. I like tea these days.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    All liquid counts as "water."
    Diet soda counts as "water" as does club soda and carbonated water.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fizzy water is easy to find. It's called Club Soda.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's water.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I am a soda fanatic, I drink upward of 6 cans of full on pepsi a day (I know, I know trust me). Yesterday I found a carbonated water source Bai5 in multiple flavors with 0 calories, I figured I would switch over as I try to ween my self off and kick this soda addiction until I can eventually drink plane water 100% of the time. But i am curious is Carbonated water just as bad as soda, or is it just what it says "water" that I can drink as part of my 8+ glasses a day?

    it is just water with CO2 bubbles. It better count because I fizz up 2 liters with my SodaStream and drink those every day. I just like the bubbles, I rarely flavor it with anything.

  • J187
    J187 Posts: 11
    I am a soda fanatic, I drink upward of 6 cans of full on pepsi a day (I know, I know trust me). Yesterday I found a carbonated water source Bai5 in multiple flavors with 0 calories, I figured I would switch over as I try to ween my self off and kick this soda addiction until I can eventually drink plane water 100% of the time. But i am curious is Carbonated water just as bad as soda, or is it just what it says "water" that I can drink as part of my 8+ glasses a day?

    Hi soldiergrl...The short answer is, yes it counts. In fact, the soda you drank counts, as does coffee and other beverages comprised of water. However, a good rule of thumb is to drink that stuff and not count it. Try to get the majority of your water from clean, unaltered sources. With respect to water carbonated by Co2, a moderate amount won't hurt you. However, realize that CO2 is exactly what your body is trying to get rid of when you exhale. Ingesting Co2 in large quantity is not a healthy proposition!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    J187, I'm calling humbug. We breathe out C02, a byproduct. We don't vomit it out.

    All hydration counts.