New to exercise and VERY unfit - ideas please!

shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all, I am VERY unfit but would like to try and get some exercise into my daily routine. Exercise is pretty new to me if i am 100% honest , and to be even more honest, I don't like it in the slightest! But, I want to overcome this if i can.

I have numerous exercise DVD's at home, the majority still sealed. What I am wonderig is, if one of these would be a good way to start? What do you guys think?

I even have the 30 day shred which in an earlier post I said I was going to try but I wonder, am i totally kidding myself??? Considering how unfit I am - i think you will all say yes lol!!

So., what I really want to know is what exercise people would recommend to someone as undedicated (but who wants to get dedicated) and unfit as me??

I would be grateful of any advice and support anyone is willing to give.

Thank you x


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Anyone can walk, then increase speed and distance.
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    I was in exactly the same position as you 45 days ago. I started with walking at lunchtime and Sundays. I moved onto eliptical trainer and zumba. I have now recieved my 30 DS and I will be starting that in 2 weeks time.
    There was no way I could have approached starting exercise any other way.....but that was just me! :-)
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member

    I HATED exercise with a passion, but I have started walking much more than I did and then started going to the gym. Do an exercise vid/ dvd that's fun. Some of the dance ones look but i'm super un co-ordinated!
  • roxanne90
    roxanne90 Posts: 95
    Hi there. I also am very very unfit. (couch patato for yrs) what I started doing is Walking.........I walk 25 mins a day on a treadmill. Its working so far...............once you get use to that you can move on to something else if you like.
    Good luck
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    My best advice is to try and find someone who wants to exercise with you, you find the in built mechanism not to let others down is better than the one that says, I cant be arsed today.

    Worked for me.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I started by walking. Then once-a-week yoga when I can. Then, I started the 100 pushup challenge with others on MFP. Next I'm going to start the 200 situp challenge. And continue to work my way up to more strenuous exercise - maybe even join the gym in the fall. No sense in starting something that is really hard just to quit. Personally, I'm starting slowly and adding as I go. To each his or her own, though. Depends on how much of a challenge you want and you goals. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • mrstrouty
    mrstrouty Posts: 15
    I would advise starting with something like Leslie Sansone's walk at home program. I do her workouts every day. The workouts are low impact and very easy to follow. I started with her 1 mile walk, and have since progressed to her 5mi. Leslie is wonderful, she talks you through the workout and keeps you quite motivated. Good luck :happy:
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    little DO ABLE changes at first.

    Park your car away from the office or shops so you have to walk..... take stairs instead of the lift, that sort of thing...... as you get fitter and lose weight you will become more confident to do more, maybe even a gym.
  • AceH826
    AceH826 Posts: 19 Member
    I think you need to watch your DVDs and determine which ones suit your fitness level but is still challenging enough to get the ball rolling.

    The Body for Life for Women workout dvd I think is a great beginner workout that I've personally have seen results with (my mom has it now), and I also have the 30DS (well all of Jillian's workouts) which I think is a great workout if you really want to challenge your self. The key is to stay hydrated, keep moving, even after workouts to minimize soreness to minimize the chances of "I'm too sore to workout" days.

    Walking (as stated in a previous post) is also a great introduction, and I think adding strength training even with lighter weights until you feel more comfortable will help too.
  • mrsbergie
    mrsbergie Posts: 7
    I suggest walking. Find a nice trail or pretty road or even down the street and listen to some awesome music. Once you get your body moving after a while and build your cardiovascular a little by walking then you will have the strength to try something more intense. That is what I do. I have Zumba DVD but it always kicks my butt way too soon. I've decided to walk more to build my muscles so I can find more stuff I like. I am like you, I do not like to excercise but I want to like it. For me worship CD's makes my walking worthwhile and fun. But find something that you like, whether it is music, a podcast, or a book on tape.
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    Start slow and work up. Pick something that you enjoy doing. It's not going to be fun to begin with but that will change. When I first began working out last summer I weighed 278 pounds and could only run a few hundred yards. After CONSISTANT exercise and watching my calories I now weigh 230 pounds and can run 7 miles. Be consitant and don't expect too much too soon. You will soon begin to notice changes in your weight and fitness level. You can do it!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You will have to try and find something that you enjoy. So try everything and anything. Walking is easy, you just need a pair of sneakers. You have all those DVDs. Open them up and try them. It would also be good to find someone to exercise with.
  • munozrd
    munozrd Posts: 62 Member
    I am the same way. Last time I started by walking. I forced myself to go for 15 minutes, until I increased the time. The DVD's are good for variety once you start a habit. Zumba is fun and I have the 30 day shred too. Its tough but give them a shot. But definately start walking. A friend told me that you have to force yourself for the first 2 wks, then it will seem like you miss it. Its day four for me. Keep trying.
  • Good Morning :

    I have to say that i am the same in that regard i still have a couple dvd 's left the rest gave away i even had the spare room set up . I think that if you want to start start small and see how you feel ,also if you have a girlfriend that can work out with you even better . At least in the first few months . I ended up going to the gym becuase when im there i workout . Sounds simple or even stupid but working out from home in the long run was not working for me i kept finding excuses to not do it and going to the gym at the end of the day either. That being said the dvd is a great way to get started and at least figure out what you want to do for a long term goal , the goal will keep you motivated even others do not of life happens . People here are very knowledgable and can help you .
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I would advise starting with something like Leslie Sansone's walk at home program. I do her workouts every day. The workouts are low impact and very easy to follow. I started with her 1 mile walk, and have since progressed to her 5mi. Leslie is wonderful, she talks you through the workout and keeps you quite motivated. Good luck :happy:

    I 2nd this...

    Leslie Sansone Walk at Home programme is great for beginners, that is how I started. At first I could barely get through 1 mile, now I'm doing the 5 miles with jogging in them.....the miles are broken down on the DVDs so you can do as many as you want....

    Yuo can get the DVD or you can check her out on youtube or exercisetv is you just want to test it out before buying them, you can also download them from Amazon and Exercisetv
  • pussycatjayne
    pussycatjayne Posts: 6 Member
    I totally agree with everyone on here - I am new to this but walking is certainly helping me to feel more alert. I have been putting a pedometer on every morning and taking it off every night. Did this for a week and recorded my steps each day. Then I have been trying to just do a few hundred more each week.

    I now try to do over 7000 every day and some days I have managed to double it! So try finding some lovely places to walk - or get a dog!

    Best of luck!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    What helps with motivations towards exercise, is knowing "why" you're doing it, and focus on that. and the best way to start is walking.
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    I hate to exercise! LOL I have a treadmill right in my living room and would FORCE myself to hop on it and I would watch my DVR'd programs for an hour. Then I slacked off....

    I started doing Zumba and I love, love, love it! It feels like I'm dancing for an hour and not exercising and the music is just can't help but move around with the music! I've lost 11 pounds (which doesn't sound like a lot, but that's huge for me!) and 6.5 inches from my waist and 2.5 inches from my's been wonderful to see the changes from something that I actually look forward to and is fun (and it's exercise :gasp:).

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you want....all the support is great too! ;)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I bet you aren't as un-fit as you think you are.

    In any case, just pick one of those DVDs you have, pop it in, and go. But don't feel like you have to do as well as the people on the TV....remember, they are super-well trained and have done the programs many, many times, and were hired because they can look good doing the exercises. Just do what YOU can, and hard and as much as YOU can, and don't worry about it if you have to pause the DVD or take breaks....modify anything/everything down to your own level, and eventually you will get so much better.
  • jackieaird
    jackieaird Posts: 2
    i agree, i walk at home with leslie. she is the best. I started with the one mile and gradually increased to 5 miles and then on to the advanced. I saw the weight falling off too. I recently, had ankle surgery and i had to stop working out for more than a year. I started back walking very mild about 1 week ago. I increased it on the treadmill and eliptical. I am not in shape at all. But, right now my goal is smaill step so, that i wont get burned out very quickly. Just take it one day at a time. Do what is comfortable to you and then increase over time. That's what i am doing.
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